Saturday 21 May 2011

A trip to the hospital...

Hey guys,
Sorry for not posting for so long, I've been hardcore *cough cough* studying for my exams but here's what you missed (:

On Tuesday aka. the Highlight of the week (in a bad way LOL):
So in the 6th period of the day (after lunch) I had Japanese class in which I had a really bad stomache for some strange reason (probably was my lunch lol) so I decided to go to the bathroom. I had to go twice but anyways, and my friends were to take my bag to my next class since the bell was about to ring.

On the second time I felt really bad and wanted to vomit so I tried to call my mum which she didn't pick up ): So I felt really bad and I TRIED to vomit (I didn't actually vomit). After a while I felt really dizzy and saw stars and I was really cold and was sweating really badly. I don't remember much but waking up on the floor so I got up and tried to walk out to go to the 'Sick Bay' but I fainted again. Or at least I think I did.

After waking up the SECOND time, I managed to get up again and walk to the office and partially, I fell AGAIN and fainted AGAIN in the bushes scoring a scratch on my forehead from some stupid branch in the way lol. And when I woke up AGAIN, I FINALLY managed to walk to the office.
Me: *knocks*
Office Lady: Yes?
Me: I think I'm sick.
Office Lady: You think you're sick?
Office Lady Number 2: *Turns around to face me and gasps* Omg you have a gash on your head!
Me: *Touches forehead* What?
Office Lady Number 2: *Comes out and helps me to the sick bay room*

That was practically what happened until I lay in the bed of the 'sick bay' in which the lady had to kick off the girl who had a headache who was in it. I'm so sorry, to that girl.

Soon, the ladies were running everywhere and then the teacher of Welfare came in and asked me what happened, etc. And then I told them to call my mum, and I gave them her number. Soon the deputy principal peeked in and few minutes later the principal came in and asked me some things and left. Then they called the ambulance because they weren't sure if I had concussion or not. So after the paramedics came, they asked me more questions and then took my blood pressure and sugar level. Then my mum arrived and I got to RIDE IN THE AMBULANCE :D That was awesome :D. They took me to the hospital which I can't be bothered to recount or this post would be too tedious and long lol.

But I'm fine now and I want to thank all the office ladies for their help and the Welfare teacher (: Not that they'll read this but yeah (: And thank you to the paramedic guys and nurses and doctors in the hospital (:

And if you wondered where my school bag ended, I told the office lady to get it once my senses were back (:

Michelle xx


  1. The part where you said 'Office Lady 1' and 'Office Lady 2' made me smile, haha =p I hope the gash will heal soon =D Don't touch the ointment xx

  2. Haha, and i've stopped using it because it's healing quite good but I'm still using it at night (:

  3. LOL, okie =] I can't believe you said 'A trip', haha. Makes it sound like it was fun.

  4. It was an experience ;) Not everyone goes to the hospital like twice a year like me and travels in an ambulance :P
