Saturday 24 September 2011

Holiday Time !

It's just came across to me that's it's the holidays ! Slow; I know. :P

Anyways, today ( Saturday ) I didn't have Chinese lessons since it finished last week so now I have to study for it for the test next Term. ): So since I didn't have Chinese lessons I woke up rather late. Around 9:30AM.

Then we went grocery shopping. I had to buy a couple of items which was stationary. Lol. So I bought a maths grid book since I was ran out of pages and I really need one for next term, and two binder folders. One's for Elective History since the teacher keeps handing out thick booklets that she doesn't even go through - waste of paper and killing trees ! The other binder folder is for...probably tests. (:

Pictures :

It was expensive ! $2.95 !

It's such crap lighting - sorry. These are those really cheap $2 binders. :P
 I also bought a magazine - Cleo. I shall be reading it soon. It had some inappropriate titles so I covered it with what came free with it (: Sorry about awkward positioning. :P

Tomorrow, I have a badminton competition to participate in. I'm nervous since my partner who DRAGGED me to go isn't even going herself. Humph. So I have to go in singles. And I suck at singles. ): Oh well. Have to be there at 11:15 am and goes up to around 7 pm. ): This is going to be one long day.

My dad is dragging me out to play badminton at night on Monday. Which I agreed to since I LOVE badminton ! (: He's taking me at 9PM-11PM. Apparently I have to verse his friends since there aren't other teenagers there. ): But I don't mind ! :P

Then on Tuesday I'm going out with Julia ( ) to Luna Park. (: Little message to Julia - We're meeting at 10:15 am (: and bring your camera ! I'm excited for that. The rest of the week is going to be studying but I highly doubt those sessions are going to be unwasted. :P

That's it for now ! I'll post about the competition later. (:

Michelle <3


  1. Homg! You two are going to Luna Park! ^^ THAT'S SO AWESOME! ^^ Have fun :)

  2. Sorry, the comment above wasn't actually removed by you, haha. I accidentally posted the place I lived in when I was meant to say: Meet at Station or was it church? But I'll probably email you tonight. Can't wait! :] xx

  3. Yeah - I know. I know. My station. LOL. (: xx
