Friday 2 December 2011

1 Month Letter Challenge: Day 2 - Your Crush

Honestly, I don't want to say who this is but whoever they are, I truly mean this. (:

Dear ______,

You are the only person that makes me feel like I exist and you truly do care about me. Well I hope you do. I think you are the only person who 'gets' me and even though it's taken me forever to realise that I've realised. (: I like the way you speak, the way you don't care what others truly think of you, how you enjoy life and how you make an effort to talk to me even when you're busy. I like it when you text me or surprise me with an email or message on Facebook. You make me feel special.

You don't see my flaws and you don't judge me like the others do. It makes me sad when I haven't spoken to you for a day and I feel incomplete. You don't know I like you but I don't even know if you read my blog. Lawl.

I hope someday you will realise. (: But these people are called a 'crush' for a reason.

Love from,
Michelle <3

P.S. I dedicate this song to you since it truly expresses my feelings and puts all the things I have to say together. This was written by the girl who sung it. Truly talented. (:


  1. Naw, he must be one lucky-arse guy. Mine ain't so nice. :P xx

  2. What do you mean by that ? ;) Because he doesn't know I like him. :P xx
