Thursday 21 March 2013

What is life.

Kay, so it's 11.45 pm and I'm in bed. On my flippin' iPod which is running on 20% battery right now, so gotta run since I need this for my alarm to wake me up for school tomorrow. Thank fucking god I have a free period, I'm fucking stressed right now, not really but more than usual. I'm usually a super chill person, but right now, there's just so many things to get out of my head right now so I can sleep. Alas, stream of consciousness now lol, modernism fuck that.

So tomorrow I have a freaking maths exam haven't studied much for that, praying I'm confident in what my brain already knows will get me a decent mark. But omg Saturday !! What a day that's gonna be.

Staff meeting at 8.30am, which I think people will run up late for, and I have coaching at 9.30 am so I literally am not able to stay for the whole meeting, shoot me. Not only that but afterwards I have a dentist appointment at 12.45pm and I gotta make sure I eat lunch before that cos they're tightening my braces omg. Then AFTERWARDS, have to work which is a freaking close shift which means ill get home fucking late. What is life.

Focusing on the good stuff, omg today !! I went running after like 5 months of no exercising, my fitness level hasn't decreased as much as I thought it had, but its still inn pretty bad shape, I'm working on it. Also !! Omg Jenn Im from clothes encounters freaking replied to my comment, was on cloud nine for about half an hour then realised I needed to study for maths fml... Made wontons for dinner with my dad after workout which was good, they tasted pretty good hurhur.

Life aint that bad, can't wait to just get these 2 years to finally rule what I want in life, screw this shithole lol.

Okay, mind clear will sleep peacefully now, nights have a great weekend.

Michelle x

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