Monday 30 December 2013

photo diary: taree/port stephens

Some snaps that were captured at the quick roadtrip to Taree this Christmas weekends. 

Saturday 7 December 2013

new beauty products

Recently purchased these beauty items, and I'm quite enjoying them so here are short reviews to read :

The Body Shop Almond Hand & Nail Cream 
Packaging: 7/10
really nice and handy, and can fit into your bag/purse so it's great for on the go. Only down side is that the metal squeezy tube pushes the product out a bit when you open it so you get a bit more than what you want, but I guess the good side to this tube is that you can get your money's worth by being able to get down to the very last bit. 
Texture: almost gel-like but creamy, feels refreshing
Fragrance: smells quite strongly of almonds and nuts
Price: quite expensive for 30mL, it retails at $9.95 for this size or you can get a larger one for $17.95 
Performance: 7.85/10
very moisturising on the hands. My hands are noticeably softer 
The product: 6.5/10 
Looks like a harsh rating but it's a good hand cream, definitely really nice for dry skin but there are better ones on the market for a lower price. 

Perfect Potion soothe cleansing gel 
Packaging: 6.5/10 
Meh, it's okay, made out of plastic bottle but it's sturdy. Looks a bit cheap, but don't judge the product by its cover! ;) 
Texture: soft gel, very little to medium foaming 
Fragrance: strong herbal and essential oils scent, but I find this really invigorating in the morning, some may dislike this 
Price: expensive. This small bottle cost $29.95. 
Performance: 7.65/10
cleanses skin quite well, leaves bit of a tacky feeling after. The scent is really refreshing but it does linger on the skin after cleansing. But definitely does the job and doesn't break me out which is a plus. 
The product: 7/10
Very good but considering the price it can do better, I'll still been the scout for another one. 

Perfect Potion geranium moisturising emulsion
Packaging: 7.5/10 
Although it's made out of plastic, it's really sturdy and the pump makes controlling the amount of product that comes out very easy. 
Texture: gel-like consistency 
Fragrance: a bit strange. Like herbal and essential oils scent but mixed with a really strange artificial cream smell. Those with a sharp gag reflex like me will need to hold their breath. 
Price: again quite expensive $29.95 
Performance: 8/10
This is really really good. I only use it in the morning to help control oil but also deeply moisturise, and layer a light moisturiser on top. After two weeks of use, there has been a significant difference in the texture and feel of my skin, it feels softer and smoother and more 'plump'. Hasn't broken me out at all, and I'll definitely continue to repurchase this. 

Loreal ELVIVE Extraordinary Oil 
Packaging: 8/10 
Feels expensive, it's pretty heavy and encased in a heavy fake-glass bottle.
Texture: heavy oil, but once spread out it's silky smooth and weightless, feels like it melts into your hands and hair 
Fragrance: pleasant subtle nutty smell 
Price: not bad since this bottle will last ages as you only need threes drops or more for the whole length of hair depending how long your hair is
Performance: 8.25/10
Makes your hair heavenly silky and soft. Feels lightweight and doesn't weigh your hair down at all. Super versatile, I find it best to use after your hair dries as a styling conditioner. 

Hope you enjoyed this, let me know at 

Have a good one xo
who else eats straight out of the tuna can ?

Tuesday 3 December 2013

mbti test

Recently just took the mbti test. For those who don't know what it is, it's a personality test where you answer a series of 'yes' or 'no' questions and the score will generate your personality in four letters to summarise your answers. There are 16 different types of personalities, all of which are equal, and there are no better ones than others. This test is really useful if you want to know more about yourself (ask your friends to do it, so you know more about them ;) ) and also finding adequate career options that suit your personality the best.

I took my test on this website (aka, there are no viruses or scams):

It has concluded that I am a INTJ and once I researched a bit deeper on this and the traits don't surprise me at all. They are actually really accurate. But surprisingly, I read that my personality type was one of the most rare, and also that Michelle Obama and Jane Austen has/had the same personality as me.

In summary of what I have read;

- I seem to have high self-confidence, which can come off as arrogance to some people
- I have a deep respect for knowledge and intelligence, so I immediately disregard other people's ideas especially if they are fuelled by emotions
- that being said, I'm open-minded to new solutions
- I have a rational and logical thinking, making me suitable to science and engineering careers
- I am a natural leader but I don't take up the "spotlight" if someone more extroverted takes the position
- I am imaginative and strategic
- I despise those that depend on their emotions to make decisions and ideas, and think of them as either immature or irrational
- I am very independent and like to be honest and direct
- I am able to analyze anything that life throws at me, uncovering the underlying methodology and then applying it in practice

That being said, as all personalities, I have my weaknesses;

- very clueless at emotional situations, especially when it comes to romantic relationships
- may come off as insensitive since I don't value emotions over logical thinking
- judgmental - I reach my own conclusions and stick to them
- likely to over-analyse everything
- perfectionists
- hopeless at social situations
- loathe highly structured environments - I tend to hate authoritarian figures, especially those that make no sense 
- really hard to be friends with me; and most of the ones I have will not experience any sort of emotional attachments or affection from me (haha poor them) 

I've taken most of this information from this site which you might like to check out if you do take the test since it goes through a really good in-depth talk of your personality:

After all of that in-depth reading and research, I now know what I have to improve on for myself, but that being said, my personality is who I am, so I'm not trying to change that, just trying to improve the weaknesses I have.

Have a good one xo

Monday 2 December 2013

anon request: weekend

Saturday ;
- celebrating exams were over yayayayayayyy 
- chilled and went out for lunch until tutor at 4.30pm 
- tutor, then came home and chilled; watched some more dog whisperer episodes 
- belated birthday cake hehe 
- slept 

Sunday ;
- chilled and went out to buy meat for BBQ dinner lol
- went out for lunch (pho) 
- bought more stuff 
- went home and had a BBQ for dinner 
- chilled 

Wow I can't really remember what I even did in the weekends haha- must've chilled too much that I've been brainwashed haha 

Today though, didn't go to school since we still have an exam block so I went Xmas shopping. 

Any suggestions to 

Have a good one xo