Friday 7 September 2012

Update: Legacy Day with Starbuckss

So today was Legacy Day and so sold badges and whatnot around the CBD. Didn't sell much though. ):

We got free sandwiches and drinks, etc. Was pretty filling, so after our break went to Hyde Park and laid there. For like....a long time. Took a photo which I thought turned out super nice with Julia's camera. Also bought their $5 badge, to support them. (:

Oh and then we walked to Starbucks. And this was the first time I've ever walked into a Starbucks AND drunk Starbucks. Ever. Got the Mocha Frappeccino and bought this cheap cup. (:

OH, and another side note, became badminton vice captain yesterday, woohoo! ;D No other candidates, was pretty easy. (Y)

Anyways, it's getting late and my coffee is starting to wear off (I have super low tolerance to caffeine, and I'm planning to keep it that way for the time being ;P), so shall update soon. :D

Thanks for reading,
Michelle x