Sunday 2 September 2012

Update: Lunch && Spring Festival

So on Saturday, had a Chinese school in the morning, which was pretty cool. Talk to most of the class members now, but they're all younger than me, by a lot... BUT nevertheless, creeping them out is fun. ;D

For lunch, had a really nice sushi bento.

Oh and incase you're wondering, haven't done style posts in a while because I've been planning to do a favourite item along with how to style it, but need to fix the camera first; using my phone camera is getting tedious. Please bear with me. (:

On Sunday, went to a spring festival which was super fun. Also will do a style post on that. (:

There are these spiral potato deep fried stick things, and they're really good, so got one of those almost immediately and shared it with my sister.

Basically walked around, talked to some people and watched shows. (: Was really fun, and loved the sun, it's finally spring! ;D

And happy father's day, I gave my dad a new facial towel because he asked for a new one, and I had a lot of ideas of gifts but then I was like, there's still Christmas and his birthday to go, so I'm saving them for later. ;)

Anyhoo, will go type up my style post now, thanks for reading. (:

Michelle x

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