Thursday 8 November 2012

Shaving Cream.

1. If you gave me a choice of causes to donate to, I’d choose an animal shelter over anything else.
2. I’ve read “50 Shades of Gray” and I really didn’t see what was so wonderful about it. 
3. I hate having messy floors. Crumbs, clutter…it all really bothers me.
4. I know several sets of twins.
5. I’ve had some sort of food delivered to my house in the past week.
6. I’m registered to vote, and registered as a democrat.
7. I don’t have a Twitter or a Tumblr account.
8. I absolutely despise hot weather. It makes me cranky.
9. I’ve had a job that I absolutely despised and dreaded going to everyday.
10. I have my credit/debit card number memorized.
11. I’m kind of obsessive about washing the sheets on my bed. I wash them twice a week, sometimes more.
12. I hate pineapple on pizza. I think the combination of the sauce, cheese, and pineapple is icky.
13. I love soda. My favorite kind is Dr. Pepper.
14. I’ve made several expensive purchases this year.
15. I regret one thing that I’ve done in my entire life.
16. I’m not easily intimidated, and I don’t back down in arguments easily, either.
17. I really think the United States should have national healthcare. 

18. I would never have an abortion, but I’m not anti-abortion. It’s your body, you do what you want.
19. I’m not very good at saving money.
20. I think Greek mythology is really fascinating.
21. There was a book that I had to read when I was in school that I thought I would hate, but ended up really liking.
22. I love the fall/winter holidays and that “feeling” that you get around the holiday season.
23. I’m not very outdoorsy. I’d rather stay inside than go outside.
24. The Aiden, Jayden, Caiden, Brayden, etc. name trend really gets on my nerves.
25. I’m all about things that make my house smell good. Candles, air freshners, scent warmers, etc. 
26. Whenever I go out to eat, I usually get the same thing that I know I like instead of trying new things.
27. I love wall decals!
28. I really like playing board games or card games with a group of people. 
29. I’ve broken something when I was really mad.
30. My pet sleeps with me every night.
31. I would NEVER spend $10,000 on a wedding. Unless I won the lottery.
32. I have allergies that have acted up a lot this year.
33. I enjoy watching professional sports.
34. I don’t mind dark, rainy days because I feel like it gives me an excuse to have a lazy day.
35. I probably won’t be participating in the Black Friday madness this year.
36. My significant other is a very picky eater.
37. If I had a choice of a $100 to either Walmart or Target, I’d choose Target.
38. I do a load (or more) of laundry pretty much everyday.
39. It bothers me when you ask someone a question, and instead of answering it, they talk about something totally different.
40. I’ve had someone tell me that I look like a certain celebrity, but I don’t agree.
41. From the time I was in elementary school, I hated school.
42. I can’t stand the feeling of having food stuck in my teeth and I ALWAYS have dental floss with me.
43. There’s lots of throw pillows around my house.
44. The toilets in my house have toilet lid covers.
45. I bought something recently that I’m going to return.
46. I love doing artsy craftsy type of things.
47. I usually like funny movies more than dramatic or scary ones.
48. In high school, I took both the ACT and SAT.
49. I take birth control pills as my form of birth control.
50. I like pretty much all of the shows on a certain channel.

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