Friday 30 November 2012

Update: Lack of Posting

have not blogged in a long long time. basically a lot has happened so I'll try to update what I remember,  hehe.

- firstly, had work experience week which was pretty cool, and there wasn't much to do, because the restaurant didn't have many customers so you didn't have to do anything.

-23.11 went out with julia to the city before she left for china, and kinda celebrated my birthday early. we shopped, ate and talked. pretty good day. C;

- 24.11, was my birthday, and basically slept in, then left and went out to eat lunch with an old bestie, which was pretty fun! We only had an hour to do stuff, so we had a quick lunch, and went to a small boutique called 'morning glory' and took photobooth photos and she bought me a cute as pencilcase.

afterwards, went to watch 'breaking dawn part 2' in the cinemas with my sister and mum, which was pretty good. they twisted a bit of it, and initially i was really really shocked, but then it wasn't what it was. no spoilers hehe.

AFTERWARDS, my family and I went to a steakhouse to  have dinner. i actually requested them to dress formally to make it special. C: the food was exceptionally good, and was completely stuffed after.

went home, and took a bunch of photos and had cake.

- 26.11 was my friend's formal. a lot of people in my school who were going didn't even turn up at school, which i should've done but ah well. anyways, ran home, and the weather was pretty crap - it was thundering and kinda pouring on and off. so got ready and dad drove me to venue, where partner was late and so had to wait outside for a bit. the night was pretty good, took pictures, ate, danced. c:

- 27.11 didn't go school because just couldn't be bothered and so didn't do much. was planning to finish my 3 exercises of maths homework but seriously couldn't be bothered, so just procrastinated. however, had to leave the house to go to tutoring :c

- 30.11 today, went to watch skyfall with the year. omg, we went to gloria jeans nearby to get some drinks, but everyone was lining up for one, and so we lined up, ordered and paid. we were already late, and they were making our drinks, and then the teacher storms in and screams at the baristas about how we were holding up our movie and demands us for a refund. i mean seriously, they were coming. D; so mean, nevertheless the movie was good, however, i had super duper high expectations, and it met most, but not all, so it wasn't the most epic movie i've ever seen haha.

soon it'll be orientation night and christmas concert at school. omg badminton captain made me in charge of organising the roster for orientation night and no one will freaking cooperate and sign up. guess i'll be there the whole night. :c

anyhoo, that's my life for now, lengthy post. C;

thanks for reading!
michelle x

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