Wednesday 16 January 2013

Update: cairns

Howdy yall,

So yesterday (Tuesday) went out with my besties. We went to the amf bowling place where we had unlimited access to bowling and laser tag. It was my first time playing laser tag, and honestly it was such a big step for me personally. I didn't really know what I was doing but we went laser tagging with just the four of us. And omg the place was so dark and lonely with freaky glowing skeletons and stuff. I was scared s**tless mind the language. I was so scared, but then the adrenalin kicked in and you're just running around like maniacs haha.

We went for a game of bowling and had fries while playing cos we were hungry. so afterwards, we wanted our moneys worth so we went for another round of tag, and this time there were others and we had 4 teams. Our team won cos one of my friends got 2000 and something points! Crazyyy!

Played some arcade afterwards and got quite a lot of tickets.

So left around 1 and went out lunch with sister n dad, which was nice. Got home and just chilled. Really trying to enjoy my chill time before real s**t starts to happen.

Today (Wednesday), in the morning, went to the vet to get my kitty vaccinated. Afterwards, came home had lunch and cleaned out my wardrobe. Kinda. Lol. Need to start packing for cairns soon and figuring out how to sort my stuff. Haha. I want my own suitcase but we have to pack everything into 2 suitcases for the whole family since my parents want to pack light to drive around the area.

So yeah, basically my packed holiday. I swear this has to be my most packed holiday ever.

Oh! On Monday had a night shift at work, and talked a lot with coworkers. Talked into some real deep stuff, had plenty to think about while drifting off to sleep.

Hope you have a good week and thanks for reading!

Michelle xo


  1. When are you going to Cairns? =O and was lazer tag at darling harbour? =O
