Thursday 10 January 2013

Update: life

So basically, have not blogged in quite a while and Julia has been bugging me to make a new post.

so on Monday, I had to go to work early as heck in the morning - 9am and I was so tired, because night before, I slept at 2 just waiting for the roster to come out.

My shift finished at 3pm and then went home and chilled.

Tuesday was so hot. Far out it was like 40degrees. Thank God, didn't have to work so just switched in, my air con and just chilled on my computer.

On Wednesday however, had to wake up early to go to a staff meeting and manager treated us to a free breakfast. Afterwards, went tennis with a friend. And omg I was trying to teach him how to play tennis which was so annoying cos he was so damn annoying and stubborn. Far out.

On Thursday (today), worked from 10am til 4pm and then met up with Julia and hung out with her for dinner. It was so nice to catch up with her and everything. Now, in her house chilling, will have to go soon because my pay just arrived and I need to go and get it. Oh and Julias new house is so big. That's what she said.

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