Sunday 15 May 2011

About Me

Hey guys,

Just realised that I didn't even introduce myself. HAHAHAH the noobie I am. lol

Well, I like all things pretty (: the girly girl I am :P I own a cat which was a stray. Till we found him wandering around my dad's ex shop and took him in. WHEN he was a kitten. HA. He's so naughty.

This was a recent pic of him (:

I attend an all-girls high school in Sydney which I'm not going to state since those I'll like to see those stalkers out there to be disappointed (: Heh. I have the most amazing friends ever. I like K-Pop FOR NOW. And some certain people made me addicted to Korean Dramas as well.
I like playing Spider Solitaire and Minesweeper in class while listening to the teacher at the same time. My eyes are going to go bad from all the staring at the screen. Bleh.
If you have nothing to give me for my birthday, don't get me anything. Most people get me earrings which is REALLY kind of them but I seriously don't need anymore. I HAVE MORE THAN 60 PAIRS ): Mostly from presents in China and so on... Don't have a picture of the massive rack I keep them in but there's a lot (: And I can't even wear them all ):
I like organising my work but I suck at tidying my room. My table's a mess. And I'm a hoarder, considering how many things I keep. From old school work to old Christmas cards. I should do a spring clean up day or something.

Let's keep that short (: Anything else you want to know, leave a comment and ask away (:

Michelle xx


  1. Korean Dramas for the win =] After half yearlies, watch 49 Days on Youtube. It is the most original film ever. You'll like it :p

  2. This girl who's soul possess someone else. But it's not scary at all, very cute =] Google it when you get the chance to.

  3. you're not on msn and that sounds scary LOL. Btw, what subject you studying?
