Sunday 15 May 2011

What happened at school today...

Hey everyone,
So the first feeling I got when I woke up was, I feel sick. I felt so sick and I had a partially blocked nose and ... let's keep it non-graphic (: Anyways, so while I was eating breakfast, did it occur to me that I had my Japanese half yearly examination in the first period which meant I couldn't study at recess or lunch. But then the night before, I TOTALLY studied my heart out....TOTALLY. Ha. (hint: that was sarcasm since sarcasm doesn't entirely transfer across in text) So I decided to just go through the vocabulary words...IN MY HEAD on the way to school. Too bad I couldn't remember anything.
So once my exam started, the first part was the Listening part in which it HAD to be recorded by the teacher who has the worst English speaking skills and speaks Japanese extremely fast. So I failed that part. I just randomly made things up to fill the space. Then the rest of the exam is history.

And for the rest of the day, school was bludge and I felt so sleepy and sick. sigh....
The part that you've been waiting for... I can't believe I fell down on the way to the bus stop ): I think I tripped over this carpet rug thing or someone's foot on the way and I fell. Too bad I can't narrate it because at that time nothing was going through my head but the word, 'Sleep'. So no graphics (: Thank god.

When I got home I took off my school stockings and found the result of my fall. A scrape on my right knee that is now bandaged with a bandaid (: So hopefully I'll be fine.

This is the second time I've fell this month. It's so painful. I should be more careful.
I think I'm getting a fever. Thank god there are no tests tomorrow. This is such a bad time to get sick ): really.

Michelle xx

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