Tuesday 24 May 2011

Update No.1 - School Life

Hey guys,

I'll be making these updates about school and life. Inspired by Julia's (xxjuliaxx.blogspot.com) idea (: Well copied really, so thank you to Julia (: And if you don't want me to I'll be happy to stop (: I'll be separating my updates between life and school (: Mostly school.

So this update will be that my half yearly exams are FINALLY over (: However, today I've received my Japanese half yearly result mark and got terrible. Below average ): So I'm depressed about that. Today I also did the Elective History exam which was HARD. I think I'll be expecting bad results to come ): Oh well. It's only a number on a sheet of paper :P I also got my SRP (Science Research Project) mark back. I think I did alright....no comment on that (:

Another thing today was that Julia got plates (: I'll be looking forward to seeing you and your new teeth gadgets (: And hope you're doing fine (:

That's it for the first update on school life (:

Hope to hear from me soon,
Michelle xx

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