Sunday 29 May 2011

Update No. 6 - Kitty is sick ):

Hey guys,

So around yesterday, I discovered some vomit of food in the backyard from my cat and he was really sick yesterday. So today, he didn't eat much, I haven't found any vomit yet and he slept a lot. But he more active today than yesterday. I hope he'll get better soon because my parents won't let me take him to the vet because they don't want to pay for it. Oh well. Hopefully, all will be good.

Didn't do much today. Went shopping for camp items. I ended up grabbing two pump bottles from 'Hot Dollar'. And some other things. Right now, I really want a hoodie, a sloppy joe and an oversized jumper. Why haven't I gotten them? Well technically, I'm on a buying-clothes-ban for this year, as I've bought too many clothes the last time I went to China earlier this year. That doesn't count as part of the clothing ban. So I've started once I came back but I've only broken it once. From buying this denim jacket from Dotti on a sale some time ago. I couldn't resist, since it was originally $99.99 and it was reduced to $19.99. And the design is really really good. And I didn't have a denim jacket. It's probably one of my favourite pieces of clothing. Maybe I'll show you guys later and model it to show you how GOOD it is :) in my later posts.

So nothing much, but I need to do my history assignment and pack for camp. I haven't even written a list yet, so need to do that soon.

If you ever see this in Tongli BUY IT :) and never look back ONCE:
October Fifth Pineapple Shortcakes (:
This is one of my FAVOURITE things to eat once I've come home from a rough day at school. And it retails for about $5 depending on which Tongli store you get it at :) And the Tongli store is an asian store that looks like this:

Until next time,
Michelle xx

Saturday 28 May 2011

Update No. 5 - A few of my favourite songs (:

Hey guys,

So the songs I've been loving lately are (not in any particular order):

Vasovagal Syncope

Hey guys,

So after my doctor appointment yesterday, I've researched my 'issue'. And I've found out what it might be (according to the doctor) if it occurs again. It's called the vasovagal syncope where you faint from some reason. I point out from the link:

"The initial episode often occurs when the person is a teenager, then recurs in clusters throughout his or her life."

So if that does happen, then I'm afraid I have to live with it. Oh well. But there aren't any REAL treatments for this. You just have to avoid triggering it. So if someone faints from seeing blood, then they'll have to avoid looking at blood forever I guess. However, all I can do is avoid getting stomach cramps. Now that's hard. Hahahahaha. Oh well. I've had some stomach cramps lately but nothing has made me faint yet. So hopefully it's not the vasovagal syncope.

P.S. I did not spell 'syncope' incorrectly. I'm not trying to spell 'syndrome'. Hahaha. Just letting you know (:

Until next time,
Michelle xx

Friday 27 May 2011

Update No. 4 - Doctor Appointment

Hey guys,

So you've probably been to the doctor before, (who hasn't :P) and I had a doctor appointment today. It wasn't that bad but I needed a check up after my incident. The doctor said that I might have to deal with this in life (me fainting after episodes of abdominal pain) and compares it to people fainting from the sight of blood. However, this is HIS wild guess and he said if it happens more recently then yes, I have this uhhh 'syndrome'. HA.

So anyways, technically I'm fine and life goes on. Nothing unusual happens. I'll keep this updates often except from the 1-3 of June 2011 where I'll be at Bathurst for Year 9 camp. So heads up till then. I've also postponed watching Insidious until next Sunday (5th of June 2011), so I'll write a post then (:

I'm getting excited to film and plan for my commerce project/competition. Finally found someone who has a gun (: Going to get some sleep now.

Until next time,
Michelle xx

Request from friend :) - I need a doctor by Eminem

New Look

Hey guys,

So as you can probably see, my blog has a new design and look to it. You'll get used to it (: But same quality and quantity, just a new look :P Sounds like I'm advertising. Ha. Anyways, I might be changing looks often or at least once a year (for that new vibe of a new year) so I'll let you know beforehand if I can (: But it's not much different, than it's just green :P

As you probably can see, it looks like this:

So yeah (: Pretty cool compared to the old version. In my opinion :P Which unfortunately, I don't have a snapshot of the old version I mean.  ):

Until next time,
Michelle xx

Thursday 26 May 2011

Beep Test

Hey guys,

Forgot to mention that at school today, for part of our PE lesson, we had to do the Beep Test. For those who don't know what it is, it's a fitness test set on a CD which is played while a person runs a length of 20 metres (I think, or it's 10) and make it past the line before the beep. And for those who haven't done it before, let me tell you; it's TIRING ): I just had my lunch and the teachers were cruel enough to force us to do the assessment.

During the test, I was ready to puke my lunch back out that hadn't even had the time to get down my oesophagus ): So I decided to stop before I really DID puke. I got really bad, compared to when I took it in Year 7, which I got 7 ): How coincidential I just realised; in Yr 7 I got 7. Ha. Anyways, this year I got 5.8 ): So sad. Oh wells.

Toodles, :P
Michelle xx

Update No. 3 - School (:

Hey guys,

High Speed Photography there (: Not taken by me, but isn't it awesome :P

Anyways, so today at school nothing unusual happened. In commerce class, we have to enter this competition and our group is Julia ( and me. Two people, I know but we have the most awesome idea ever. The competition is called 'Money Stuff!' where you have to create something creative with the topic 'money and consumers' in it. Technically, we have the best (well we think it is lol) idea ever, but it's in our brains so we need to put it in action sometime soon. We have ages till this is due, so we'll take our time. One thing you'll get to know is that the format is in video. So if I can upload it, I will and I'll put it on this blog sometime later. So heads up around August when this is due.

Hint: It's action-packed. Well in our heads it is. lol

Tomorrow I have band practice early in the morning, so I have to go to bed early today. Also, I have camp next week, so if you guys don't hear from me (from 1-3 June 2011), don't worry; I'm not dead, just at camp. I also have my Japanese speaking exam tomorrow. (: Been practising hard :P

And I'll like to say good bye to Oprah and thank you to her contribution to society and us. Too bad, I've never seen any of her shows ):

Until next time,
Michelle xx

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Update No. 2 - School (:

Hey guys,

So you've probably seen Julia's ( new post about my Choco Boys. And she kept lying that she didn't want any but I'm pretty sure she wanted them (: And you're welcome - as a response to your thank you since I can only comment on posts anonymously now for some reason. If anyone knows why, then please let me know and how to fix it. Thanks.

Onto my update now, nothing much has happened at school today. Just the regular, and I had badminton training this morning. I also got a history assignment today. I finally won about 3 games of Spider Solitaire in Intermediate. That's probably the best I've ever done.

I also might be watching 'Insidious' with Julia and my other friend on Sunday so listen up for a review if I ever do. Apparently it's a horror film. Am I scared? Yes. :P The freaky poster is below if you want to have some idea what it looks like or if you've seen the advertising.
This scary picture is freaking me out so I'll break the page before it (: to give you guys warning beforehand.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Update No.1 - School Life

Hey guys,

I'll be making these updates about school and life. Inspired by Julia's ( idea (: Well copied really, so thank you to Julia (: And if you don't want me to I'll be happy to stop (: I'll be separating my updates between life and school (: Mostly school.

So this update will be that my half yearly exams are FINALLY over (: However, today I've received my Japanese half yearly result mark and got terrible. Below average ): So I'm depressed about that. Today I also did the Elective History exam which was HARD. I think I'll be expecting bad results to come ): Oh well. It's only a number on a sheet of paper :P I also got my SRP (Science Research Project) mark back. I think I did comment on that (:

Another thing today was that Julia got plates (: I'll be looking forward to seeing you and your new teeth gadgets (: And hope you're doing fine (:

That's it for the first update on school life (:

Hope to hear from me soon,
Michelle xx

Weather Warning and Oprah

Hey guys,
Just want to warn whoever will be around the Sydney coastal areas tomorrow that there will be dangerous winds going around 100 km/hr that will tear through Sydney and surrounding suburbs tomorrow morning and after. Apparently, it'll be so bad that trees might be ripped out. So beware (:

I've also heard that Oprah is ending her career now and has only about 3 more shows to go. She will be known as the 'most influencial and inspiring person', according to Madonna (: Just thought the Oprah fans out there would like to know.

Hear from me soon,
Michelle xx

Monday 23 May 2011

Subscribe :D

Hey guys,

Just want to mention that you can now subscribe by email to my blog now if you can't follow through Google Friend Connect. Feel free to subscribe (: I believe it's anonymous so don't worry if I'll stalk you or something (:

To subscribe by email just type your email address on the left hand side where it says 'Follow by Email'. Hopefully you guys will (: to the few followers I have. (:

Hear from me soon,
Michelle xx

Judgement Day

Hey guys,

So you've probably know or heard about the guy who proposed that the world wsa going to end on the 21st of May 2011. Well, the day seemed to have passed without an incident (: Thank god that we didn't die. However, it said in the Bible (those who are Christian would know this) that no one knows when the end of the world will be but the Lord. So if the guy's smart then he would'n't have missed this passage. Hmm..

But some people did believe this and are probably disappointed no doubt. People are already saying that the next Judgement Day would be on the 21st of December 2012. Well we'll be the judge of that (:

Michelle xx

Saturday 21 May 2011

Asthma Attack

Just a couple of minutes ago my cat just had an asthma attack. He coughed a lot so I gave him some water.

Just thought you'll like to know (: And if you want to know how it looks like watch the following:

Enjoy, well not in my case lol.

Michelle xx

New Day, New week

I can't believe I woke up so early today ): Well it's a new day and I need to study for the rest of my exams. Nearly there!! Only Commerce, Science and Elective History to go (: BUT these are the hardest ones besides English which I've failed completely. In my short story part, I talked about Jesus. Is that fail or not? :P

Sorry for this totally short and unmeaningful post but I just felt like it (: My table's a mess when I study...

Are yours?

Michelle xx

A trip to the hospital...

Hey guys,
Sorry for not posting for so long, I've been hardcore *cough cough* studying for my exams but here's what you missed (:

On Tuesday aka. the Highlight of the week (in a bad way LOL):
So in the 6th period of the day (after lunch) I had Japanese class in which I had a really bad stomache for some strange reason (probably was my lunch lol) so I decided to go to the bathroom. I had to go twice but anyways, and my friends were to take my bag to my next class since the bell was about to ring.

On the second time I felt really bad and wanted to vomit so I tried to call my mum which she didn't pick up ): So I felt really bad and I TRIED to vomit (I didn't actually vomit). After a while I felt really dizzy and saw stars and I was really cold and was sweating really badly. I don't remember much but waking up on the floor so I got up and tried to walk out to go to the 'Sick Bay' but I fainted again. Or at least I think I did.

After waking up the SECOND time, I managed to get up again and walk to the office and partially, I fell AGAIN and fainted AGAIN in the bushes scoring a scratch on my forehead from some stupid branch in the way lol. And when I woke up AGAIN, I FINALLY managed to walk to the office.
Me: *knocks*
Office Lady: Yes?
Me: I think I'm sick.
Office Lady: You think you're sick?
Office Lady Number 2: *Turns around to face me and gasps* Omg you have a gash on your head!
Me: *Touches forehead* What?
Office Lady Number 2: *Comes out and helps me to the sick bay room*

That was practically what happened until I lay in the bed of the 'sick bay' in which the lady had to kick off the girl who had a headache who was in it. I'm so sorry, to that girl.

Soon, the ladies were running everywhere and then the teacher of Welfare came in and asked me what happened, etc. And then I told them to call my mum, and I gave them her number. Soon the deputy principal peeked in and few minutes later the principal came in and asked me some things and left. Then they called the ambulance because they weren't sure if I had concussion or not. So after the paramedics came, they asked me more questions and then took my blood pressure and sugar level. Then my mum arrived and I got to RIDE IN THE AMBULANCE :D That was awesome :D. They took me to the hospital which I can't be bothered to recount or this post would be too tedious and long lol.

But I'm fine now and I want to thank all the office ladies for their help and the Welfare teacher (: Not that they'll read this but yeah (: And thank you to the paramedic guys and nurses and doctors in the hospital (:

And if you wondered where my school bag ended, I told the office lady to get it once my senses were back (:

Michelle xx

Sunday 15 May 2011

What happened at school today...

Hey everyone,
So the first feeling I got when I woke up was, I feel sick. I felt so sick and I had a partially blocked nose and ... let's keep it non-graphic (: Anyways, so while I was eating breakfast, did it occur to me that I had my Japanese half yearly examination in the first period which meant I couldn't study at recess or lunch. But then the night before, I TOTALLY studied my heart out....TOTALLY. Ha. (hint: that was sarcasm since sarcasm doesn't entirely transfer across in text) So I decided to just go through the vocabulary words...IN MY HEAD on the way to school. Too bad I couldn't remember anything.
So once my exam started, the first part was the Listening part in which it HAD to be recorded by the teacher who has the worst English speaking skills and speaks Japanese extremely fast. So I failed that part. I just randomly made things up to fill the space. Then the rest of the exam is history.

And for the rest of the day, school was bludge and I felt so sleepy and sick. sigh....
The part that you've been waiting for... I can't believe I fell down on the way to the bus stop ): I think I tripped over this carpet rug thing or someone's foot on the way and I fell. Too bad I can't narrate it because at that time nothing was going through my head but the word, 'Sleep'. So no graphics (: Thank god.

When I got home I took off my school stockings and found the result of my fall. A scrape on my right knee that is now bandaged with a bandaid (: So hopefully I'll be fine.

This is the second time I've fell this month. It's so painful. I should be more careful.
I think I'm getting a fever. Thank god there are no tests tomorrow. This is such a bad time to get sick ): really.

Michelle xx

About Me

Hey guys,

Just realised that I didn't even introduce myself. HAHAHAH the noobie I am. lol

Saturday 14 May 2011

Half yearlies ):

My half yearly examinations are looming and the first test is JAPANESE!! I suck at Japanese and I have no idea why I chose it but nevertheless I'm going to try and complete the full course >| (that was meant to be a determined face lol).

I'm trying to study really hard but right now it's not working ): Sigh.....

Back to studying then (:

Michelle xx

First Post (:

Hey, uhm readers (: I'll be posting on this blog about my life, what happened and what's interesting so if I die tomorrow or don't make it back to blogger, then I know that there'll be a online record of my experiences which I'll share with you (:

I'll keep this short (: and hopefully you'll hear from me soon (:

Michelle xx