Saturday 14 July 2012

Update: Archery ft. old school besties && new purchases

Today met up with my old school besties, Ashly and Barbara as well with my sister at the Sydney Olympic Archery Centre and shot some arrows. ;D It was something unique and different to experience. The session was an hour and a half, and there were instructors there as well to help us. (: It was awesome, I really like archery. ♥

Was a beautiful day. (: 
Anyhoo, afterwards, went out for lunch and did our little grocery shopping.

This really cute stationary store, Morning Glory, was having a 50% sale off everything so grabbed some stuff. (:

Was running out of liquid tape so bought this cute iPhone correction tape thing, and some bed socks because I only have one pair at home and that's not enough. ;P Plus, it was only like a dollar.

Originally really needed to get these overgrips for my tennis racquet at Kmart, but they didn't have any ): And I couldn't find any...BUT, I found other stuff that was on  my list at the time. ;D Got a black singlet because needed one, and DUMBELLS. Because I really need to workout more. HAHAHA, sharing these cheap ones with my mum. ♥

Black cami. 
Those camis are insanely comfy for such a cheap price, hurhurhur. >: D

And got a 20% off iTunes gift card because I don't like to keep using my mum's credit card on iTunes just in case we get scammed. :D

$16. (: 
Anyhoo, not much to say, but I have tennis coaching tomorrow and badminton with my family. ;D

Really going out these last few days of the holidays, because I realised I was so cooped up in the first week doing nothing, HAHAHAHA. And on Monday just going to chill the last hours of freedom. </3

Oh and you probably noticed my outfit of the days have kinda ceased, it's because I've been wearing my Varsity jacket to death these days because I'm too lazy to think of something nice to wear, so please excuse my laziness. ;3 And tomorrow I won't be able to do it either since I'll be in working out clothing, so I'm sorry, but ah wells.

Michelle ♥


  1. HOMG! HAHAHA those dumbbells :3 ^^"""" noice :3 the archery range looks huge T_T And WHAT??? i have been waiting to buy my iTunes card for a discount for like....a year T_T So lucky :3 enjoy those apps and songs =D

    1. That's not even half of it. ;P And go grab it at Woolies. (: x

    2. Oh my gawd T_T needa go there now HAHA :P your Woolies must be so much cooler than the one I go to :'(

    3. I thought it was the same for all Woolies? x

    4. Maybe, maybe not. I'll look out for it though, thanks =D
