Sunday 15 July 2012

Update: Over Exercising & 1Q84!

So today, I went to tennis coaching in the morning, which was nice after not doing sport for about 2 weeks.

Had lunch afterwards, and I bought a book. That I really really really wanted for quite a while. It's the famous 1Q84 by the legendary Haruki Murakami. ;D He's such a great author, and I really want to read his Kafta on the Shore. But I don't think any one that I personally know, knows this book even exists. Or this author. Seriously. ): Cut. </3

Anyhoo, so happy, but it was not cheap. But that's because mine has book 1, 2 and 3, and it's just so thick ( that's what she said ) and it's seriously going to take me agessss. Maybe the rest of this year to read, considering how small the font is ( that's what she said as well :P ). I've already read some of it, it's so good, shall keep reading! Apparently, this one's not as good as Kafta on the Shore, but have to finish this one first. (:

Oh I forgot to mention, I'm not reading this in Jap, though I wish my Japanese was good enough so I could. This is the English adapted one, don't know by who, but yeah. (:

So went and played badminton with my family afterwards at the Sydney Olympic Park Sports Hall. Super sweaty and fun!

I honestly have not done any exercise this whole holidays, been eating out a lot, and drinking a lotta sweet drinks, so unsurprisingly I've gained like 3 kilos. But I always lose it during school because of the hell there. So no sweats. ;D

Anyhoo, school is going to start soon and I'm so sad. </3 But I really enjoyed these holidays, they were perfect but the only thing is, I still haven't finished my school work. D;

Anyhoo, thanks for reading!
Michelle x


  1. That book looks so thick T_T How many pages is it?? haha! exercise!!! :P it's okay, you do HEAPS of exercise during school days >< You'll lose that 3kg np =D

  2. Do not remind me of school hehe. :P See you on Tuesday! x
