Saturday 7 July 2012

Update: Second Online Purchase

Image source: Ebay
This is exactly the one I'm getting from eBay. (: 

So this would be officially my second online purchase, ever. I'm such a noob. You might recognise this from my recent post on my lust list. Link here: I've been eyeing this for quite a while, and asked my mum this morning because I really wanted it. And come on, it looks awesome. :D It belonged in my life. ♥

Just a few tips for shopping on eBay, my two purchases ( link to the first one: ).

1) I only look for the ones that are top sellers, because I reckon they're the ones that most trustworthy and your stuff won't mysteriously disappear from air mail. (: And I know that might mean they have slightly higher prices, but better safe than sorry. (:

2) I open all of the 'potential purchases' in separate tabs, in the single window and compare the prices. (:

3) I avoid bids. ;P

4) and I look for free international shipping as a bonus. ;D

All the items I've gotten off eBay came with free shipping, so I'm pretty happy with that. (:

I have to admit, this was was a lot pricier than the other one I was going to get, but this one had the choice of the kinda rusty old looking metal ( as shown in the photo ), which I preferred over the shiny silver piece. (: So chose this one instead.

Now just excited to wait for it! (:

Thanks for reading, this uttermost random and short post, but really wanted to blog. (:

Michelle x


  1. That looks soooo cool~ =D and homg, do you like waiting for it? Like everyday you're just thinking "is it gna come today? =D" and then you get it and it's so blissful :3 :3 maybe that's just me XD

    1. And I love waiting for things, because I don't really think about it, so when I come home, it kinda makes my day! ;D x

    2. Ngawww~ that's cute ^_^ and HAHA! had fun replying a plethora of messages? :P
