Friday 20 July 2012

Update: First Week of School && Pulled Muscle.

So the first week of school has ended, and I am very VERY sleep deprived. I slept so much in the holidays, it's not fair that I can't get the same amount of sleep when school is on. Hmph.

School has been kinda hectic and I just can NOT wake up in the morning, it's just so cold. But eventually I'll just have to get used to it, really miss summer. I mean in summer, I'll literally get up out of bed because it's just so nice to wake up to a sunny and bright room that's NOT cold. ;D

Enough of my pessimistic complaints, basically during sport on Thursday, I pulled a muscle. To be specific, a groin muscle. Oh god, so embarrassing. Hahahahaha....

I can't really remember how I pulled it, but this would make it my first pulled muscle ever. I think I took a step too big when running and then I just felt this really big pain on my left inner thigh and ended up limping to my goal. Teacher made me sit down with a half melted icepack to place on it. 

Today ( Friday ) it feels better, but can't do some things without straining it, such as I can't bend over without it hurting a lot, and I can't run. So might not be going to tennis training this Sunday, which would be good because I really need to work on my English homework and essay. ): 

Today, after school, had Matrix coaching and our class was really packed. This really talkative girl, not going to name names, is in our class, she's really funny but has this 'in your face' kinda attitude. I have no idea why I even mentioned her, lolz. 

Came home and my sister left me some chips? Hahahaha, it's this little thing we have. I used to save things such as an extra lollipop or chocolate from something special and give it to my sister when I get home. So I guess she ate some of the packet and decided to save some for me? I have no idea, but thank you. (: 

Have Chinese school tomorrow, so needa get my beauty sleep.

Michelle x


  1. Teacher made you put an ice pack...where...?? @_@ I guess you're not a boy so it ain't as embarrassing ^^""" get better soon! =D
