Tuesday 26 November 2013

anon request; bucket list

- travel all six continents 
- ride a hot air balloon 
- go sky diving 
- surfing (sounds doable since I live in Australia haha) 
- float in the Dead Sea 
- live in NYC 
- start a business 
- visit Las Vegas 
- learn to dance 
- own a beach house 
- get married 
- have children 
- have 3 cats, 2 dogs lmao (overload much) 
- vacation in Hawaii 
- travel to Egypt 
- pilot an aerobatic plane ride 
- ride an elephant 
- own a small plane / jet 
- learn martial arts
- train dogs 
- make a movie 
- earn a cocktail certification 
- learn to ski 
- learn horse-back riding 
- drive to the Grand Canyon

25 thoughts from my bucket list; of course this isn't all but I have started crossing a lot off (: 

Have a good one xo

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