Friday 29 November 2013

Update: post exams

Wow can't believe I just survived the first round of assessments..definitely an obstacle since I fell pretty sick on the day before but somehow managed through it. Although I have to say, since two of my subjects were practicals (chem and bio) I didn't need to study for them and so this placed a lot of time on my hands.... Which means procrastination. I've found this show on YouTube (nt a YouTube show though lol) called the dog whisperer. Oh my gosh it's so good, haha, making turn into a dog lover just by watching. But it really helps teach tricks to train and discipline your dog in an effective way. 

Anyways I have a quite a bit to do now that exams are over and I shall try to blog more often maybe photos here and there. 

- shall be celebrating my birthday soon 
- and watching 'catching fire' soon as well, heard only good reviews so far so that's pleasing 
- shopping (both Xmas and self hehe) 
- really looking forward to finally relaxing for a while yay 
- maybe catch up on some nice leisure reading 

Hope you're doing well, have a good one xo

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