Saturday 9 November 2013

anon request; what I did today

Today (Saturday - 9th nov.) : 

- woke up at 10 am and went to a dentist appointment at 10.45am but waited for about half an hour -_- 
- went to buy chatime and sushi for lunch and took it home to eat so I could do my English essay
- left home at 3pm to go English workshop at Matrix; I'm kinda annoyed because my tutor pretty much rewrote half my essay by saying it wasn't that great ...
- went straight to chem class
- got home around 8 and had dinner (homemade viet whoo) 
- doing some maths as I type haha and need to shower soon

Pretty mundane day but tomorrow I'm planning to watch two movies back to back so really need to do my work haha 

Hope you enjoyed 

Suggestions to

Have a good one xo

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