Monday 11 November 2013

anon request; daily post ?

Can't see how anyone would be interested to know what I do at school but here yah go haha

- woke up kinda late - felt super tired 
- weather is so cold and wet and ugh - the perfect weather to stay home in bed and drink hot soup haha 
- went to school and had class - bio, maths and chem ( all were pretty good )
- even though I had a free in my last period, I decided to stay back to work on my essay which is due tomorrow asdjfkdls/&;-& 
- had tutor at Matrix for English which was gooooood 
- dinner 
- editing and rewriting my essay as I speak (read: type) 
- speaking of which, I should finish 

Hope you enjoy reading about my fantastical life (read: sarcasm) 

Suggestions to 

Have a good one xo

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