Saturday 2 November 2013

Update: hi y'all

So uh .. Have not blogged in agesssss ...
I was actually reading through some old posts I had put up, so cringe-worthy haha ..

Anyways, so much has happened since last time I blogged

- yr 12 now holy crap 
- like exams in 2 weeks like actually .. And I feel as if I haven't learnt anything 
- no longer work bcos I got fired along with half the moochi crew :( 
- so broke, help me lah 
- have a craving for travelling 
- reading my cairns post makes me sad

- recovering from food poisoning, I think it's salmonella from chicken at Oporto..never having it again - developed Oporto-phobia hahahaa
- English essay is due tomorrow, and whole of yesterday was spent sleeping..barely written anything 
- also have a bio lab report due soon
- can't believe i decide to blog at this needy time haha, procrastination much ?! 
- blasting headache because I don't think all the food poisoning has gone away
- Thor 2 is out !!! Have a desperate desire to watch, maybe finish all work today if possible and go next weekkkkkkk 
- really want to go shopping
- cravings for pad see ew 
- feeling sorry for myself 

Okay. Need to work. K. Bai. 

Have a good one x

1 comment:

  1. OMG MISH XD welcome back =D YEAR 12 NOW :P :P best of luck ^_^
