Thursday 7 November 2013

anon request - top 3 friends and Sydney

Top three friends in no order : 

- Julia ; is my closest friend and I met her back in 7th grade during school camp. Funnily enough, we didn't really know each other that well (only shared the occasional hallway greetings) until grade 8 when we were placed into the same class. We both were loners and didn't know anyone else from that class and have stuck together since then! 

- Ece ; although she'll probably never read this, she has the most down to earth personality I have ever met in my young life. And although we don't spent enough time together, she still one of my top friends. I met Ece back when I worked at Moochi. She was one of the first crew members I met and really helped me adjust to my job. 

- ugh the next spot is hard....cant choose so won't hahahaa unless I think of someone 

Okay I know I didn't mention any guy friends but I guess I bond with chicks more (like understanding emotional crap and stuff and sharing period stories hahahaa) 

"Stuff I like to do around Sydney" : 

- food adventures (pls try: wagaya, mizuya, max brenner, holy basil, and the regents place - misschu in particular) 
- shop 
- take a step back from your busy life, walk around the harbour and suburb streets and just ...stroll. You begin to notice things that weren't there before and things become more tranquil (so cheesy but really so true)
- cafe hopping
- movies
- karaoke
- just hanging in parks with friends 
- alone time in the park with coffee 

Any more suggestions send them to :)

Have a good one xo

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