Saturday 9 November 2013

anon request; how was my weekend

Weekend was .... strange- strange as in not like my usual routine 

Did a post on what I did on Saturday already but today ( Sunday ) I went to watch two movies back to back (brief movie reviews coming up shortly). 

- woke up at 9.30a.m which was soooo early since I only managed to get to sleep at 2am 
last night (surprisingly getting up and doing some maths hw helped greatly) 
- first watched Thor 2 and then Gravity 
- got home and really need to write my essay now- anxiety is starting to creep in so after these blog posts I'm going to do exactly that 

At the moment, feeling a bit off- don't know how to describe it but maybe it's because of the weather and the fact I'm tired and  watched a little too many movies all at once haha 

Have a good one xo

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