Friday 29 November 2013

Anon request; summer holiday plans

Honestly don't have that many now but I was going to go to New Caledonia in January but this got cancelled. :((

So plans I have in mind 
- get my drivers license (wow I'm so bad with this haha) 
- go to the beach! 
- shopping 
- catch up on reading and movies and tv shows 
- chill/down time 
- play with my kitty more 
- get a haircut / redye 
- get fitter, I'm so bad with my fitness and exercise lately, I'm being so unfair to my body haha
- celebrate Christmas (why is this so far down my list haha?!) 
- sleeeeeeep 
- go hiking (possibly) 
- study for umat eek

That's pretty much it for now 

Suggestions to 

Have a good one xo

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