Tuesday 12 November 2013

Update ; exams

Oh my god I didn't even realise how close we are to HSC assessment 1 
It's in two weeks and it doesn't even feel like I've learnt anything, let alone study. 

On a side note I've been thinking about uni courses and such 
- pyschology/ marketing or pyschology/criminology at unsw (about 97 ATAR)
- pharmacy 92 ATAR ? 
- nursing ( I have no idea what the ATAR for this is, but maybe low )
- bio/med or maybe genetics 
- physiology ?

I'm so conflicted but after HSC I'm planning to take up some classes for makeup and photography as sort of a backup plan so I don't starve or go broke haha. Then find a job at MAC or some cosmetics counter with makeup experience haha. Omg. Excited. 

So worried about English orals, I feel as if my related text doesn't really relate to my core text haha. But oh well, I'll choose another for my trials. 

Things to do : 
- English practice speech due on Monday ( omg English is taking so much of my time wtf ) 
- modern notes 
- bio notes !!! 
- chem notes x.x
- math past papers 
- math revision 
- modem past papers 

Eh blogging suggestions / requests to ask.fm/mishqurl 

Have a good one xo 

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