Friday 8 November 2013

anon request: summer holidays & fashion wants

Plans for summer holidays : 
- beach !!!!! 
- Christmas celebrations
- shop and food adventures 
- movies 
- will be staying in Sydney so probably study stuff for next year haha
- catch up on my reading - I'm so horrible with it ugh 
- go out with friends 

Fashion wants :
- patterned shorts 
- there's this really nice but expensive online British jewellery store that has everything I want ugh 
- a pair of light wash jeans because I don't know how I'm surviving with one pair but it's summer so eh 
- I know it's summer but black ankle boots 
- chunky turquoise ring 
- gold statement necklaces 
- midi rings (eg chevon)
- vintage tees 

Hmm I'll do the other third of the request after my weekend but hope you enjoyed this

Have a good one xo 

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