Saturday 30 July 2011

Update No. 40 - WEEKENDS ! :D

It's FINALLY the weekends !! :D As usual I had to grab some groceries after my chinese lesson. (: So this is what I got:

I went to Priceline to get some things (:

I bought a wide-tooth shower comb by Lady Jayne and some bobby pins by Lady Jayne again. :) They're products are good quality (: I actually already opened the bobby pins so you don't get to see the packaging but the packaging of the bobby pins inside. Does that make sense? :P

I chose the aqua one since this one looked nice and pretty :D

I also got mascara since it was on sale. So yuo can get a mascara and a bonus free eyeshadow. (:

On Friday, for Matrix, since the teacher wouldn't give me a folder, after lessons, Julia ( ) and I went to the reception to get one (: And since this post is so lame and boring I'll show you my folder (: Which I really like. Why do I like a folder? Lol. Since it's FREE :D So asian. :P 

I have to work on my English essay which is due tomorrow.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend (:

Michelle xx

Thursday 28 July 2011


Julia ( ) and I have FINALLY FINISHED OUR COMMERCE PROJECT. I have just finished editing it so now all I have to do is burn it on a disc.

So as promised - Julia just said 'no'. Oh. Well maybe I can't post it up but then she just said ok.



Michelle xx

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Update No. 39 - Haven't Blogged in a While

I am so sorry that I haven't blogged for 3 days. Maybe I won't blog everyday now since the beginning of the school term has been incredibly busy. I just had a Japanese test today and tomorrow I'm having a maths test. Then tomorrow my PDHPE assignment is due so that means I have to present.

So what did I do?

Let's start with Friday.

So on Friday I had English coaching with Julia at this place called Matrix Education. It was my first lesson there ever and it was kinda nerve-racking. Dunno why going to tutoring is nerve-racking but it jsut was. Lol. We received booklets on the topic and funnily enough, the guy that is in my group for tennis training goes to my class too :S Didn't know that. Lol.

On Saturday.

My Chinese school lessons have begun again and I am learning Chinese again. We are receiving the next textbooks and workbooks already. :O Julia ( ) which one are you up to? We're up to the 4th one now but we haven't started. Lol. Why am I talking to Julia through this post? Lol.

My maths tutoring has also begun. See what I mean by busy? :P

On Sunday.

I went to Julia's place to finish filming. We actually finished filming quite early : well we had one hour left. So Bob showed us these really cool Youtube videos. We watched some of Russel Peters videos and also Jeff the ventroliquist with his puppet Achmend the Dead Terrorist and Peanut. I highly recommend you search these up and watch them on Youtube since you end up in stitches (:

I have a photo of our lunch after going to Julia's.

 Tennis coaching also started today.

On Monday.

Start of a new week in school. ): Nothing out of the ordinary. Was boring.

Today (:

We had the school Talent Quest at lunch and we bought tickets to watch it and it was really really good. The performances were HIGH-QUALITY :D It was also a friend's birthday and Julia and I actually bought her a last minute birthday present which we unfortunately didn't take a picture of before we gave it to her. So oh well. So we receive a slice of black forest cake as a 'thank-you' gift each. It was pretty good. (:

Tomorrow, I have badminton club with Julia :D So excited since badminton is A-W-E-S-O-M-E. :D I think I already said that. :P And then knitting club after school. :P

Hope you all had a good day :D
Michelle xx

Saturday 23 July 2011

6 Year Old Girl Playing Piano :O

OMG. I found this really adorable and awesome video on Youtube where this 6 year old girl is playing a Mozart Sonata on the piano. And it's really good. Wish I could play that well. :P I don't even play the piano :P

Awesome/Freaky? Leave a comment below (:

And even a 5 year old girl playing piano as well. :O Omg.

Awesome/Freaky? Leave a comment below (:

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx

Friday 22 July 2011

Update No. 38 - First Week of School

First and foremost - I'm SOO SORRY for not posting for like 4 days in a row. I'll just use the excuse of school which is true and also the excuse of my brain still being in holiday mode and lagging behind the rest of the world. :P And also the fact that everyday was boring, since it was school - DUH!

So I'll update you people what has/have happened recently and I'll try to post everyday again (:

Tuesday - 19/07/2011:
School started this day, and it was nice that I got to meet/see my friends again after about 2 weeks. Not including Julia ( ) since I saw her on the previous Sunday. I was really tired on this day since my brain was still lagging. Nothing new on this day. But we got to postpone my Japanese test to around next Tuesday. We also postponed our essay due date to next next week's Monday. I have no idea why I'm telling you about when my tests/assignments are but oh well. Nothing to talk about otherwise. :P

Wednesday - 20/07/2011:
School - DUH. Lol. Uhm...Nothing new again. I had badminton training before school with Julia and it was fun (: I had knitting club after school, which makes me sound like an old lady. But that was fun too. At least Julia didn't forget her wool and needles this week. :P From this day, the weather was horrible. There was a severe weather warning where there were heavy rainfall, dangerous surf conditions, gale force winds, etc. This reminded me of this recent hail storm at school when we were lining up for the school buses and got really drenched.

Thursday - 21/07/2011:
Nothing to say about this day except the weather was terrible. I swear - I would've been drenched if not for Julia's umbrella. Yeah; I was too stupid/lazy to take out my own umbrella. Plus - she already had it out. :P Thanks for that Julia :D

Today/Friday - 22/07/2011:
Had band rehearsal this morning. More crap weather. Had English coaching with Julia today after school around 6pm. That was interesing. Lol.

Going to head to bed now. Really tired. :P

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx

Sunday 17 July 2011

Update No. 37 - Filmed Commerce Project (:

Sorry for not posting yesterday so I'll tell you what I did yesterday. (:

Yesterday ( Sunday ), Julia ( ), her brother  ( Bob ) and I spent about 6 hours just filming the Commerce Project which I mentioned AGEESSS ago. We haven't finished since the camera actually ran out of batteries and we need to edit the film together. So we have to meet up again next Sunday and continue filming.

So far, it looks gay, but with the music it looks better (: When we finish the final video, I'll post it up if they let me. Lol.

Today, I'm getting ready for school and right now I'm trying to write my essay. It's due in two weeks time. TOMORROW IS SCHOOOLLL !! T_T The holidays passed so quickly. I hate when that happens. Anyhoo, I need to continue working on my essay and then soon I have to study for my Japanese exam which is on the second day back. WHAT KIND OF TEACHER DOES THAT?! T_T

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx

Saturday 16 July 2011

Update No. 36 - Went to the City Today (:


Today I went to the city today with my family friends and my family. Lol. Actually, we were supposed to go to Yumcha there with them and then my mum wanted to buy some groceries to stock up at Chinatown. So we went there afterwards. And then my sister wanted to buy some things from Smiggle with her new $10 gift card from winning it during coaching or something? :S

Anyways, so when my sister picked up some things I picked up three items as well so she could use up the card. I kept the card :D I like the design. :P

Since it was getting late, my parents went to Tongli to grab some more groceries for dinner and I was famished so I bought this uhmm Chinese Herbal Jelly which is REALLY REALLY GOOOOOD. My sister took the photo :P

OH, and an OOTD which my sister took :P Lol.

Tomorrow, I'll be going off to Julia's place to finally film the commerce project. So EXCITED :D. And we're having pizza for lunch....or something :D

And I wanted to show you my star folding collection? And I shaped it like a star and I included the letters 'i' and 'u'. So it says : i <3 u. :D

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx

Friday 15 July 2011

Movie Review No. 5 - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part. 2 !!!

Voldemort (YES I SAID IT :P) seriously needs a nose job. :L


Lemme tell you, it was the best experience ever and I really really REALLY want to watch it again (: It was truly a worth-while movie.

We actually booked our tickets online last night since we were scared it was going to be sold out and thank god we did that because when we got there to receive our tickets, they really were sold out. I feel so glad we were able to watch it (:

Two things though :
1) I wish it was real.
2) I wish they would write/make another one. ANYTHING to return to that world. It was so FREAKING awesome !

Rating: 11/10 :D

Recommendation: WATCH IT. And that's an order. :P

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx

Thursday 14 July 2011

Movie Review No. 4 - 'I am Number 4'


I also have finally watched 'I am Number 4'. This was a seriously great movie. There were scenes in the movie that were kinda cringe-worthy. I really hope there's going to be a continued movie of this since the ending is kind of ambigious and it doesn't really end. Other than that, it was awesome (: I like supernatural movies so this was totally A-W-E-S-O-M-E. :D

Rating: 9.5/10

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx

Movie Review No. 3 - 'Kung-Fu Panda 2' (Contains Spoilers)

Boo (:

So I've finally watched Kung-Fu Panda 2. Well I watched it last week so here's my review (:

One word : AWESOME :D

I swear this movie was really really good. I really want to watch it again. I watched this in 3-D but as with every movie that's 3D it's not really that different. I really liked the plot-line and I have no idea why, but anything that is emotional in a movie, I would cry to.


So there was a scene where it shows Po's mother leaving him in a crate full of radishes to save her own son from this ... uhh ... crane that wants to eliminate all the living pandas in the province. So it was really sad when the mother sacrificed herself for him. Now that part was so sad to me, I cried. YES ! I said it. There. I cried. Lol. Well, it was sad... *shrug*

Rating: 10/10

DEFINITELY A FAVOURITE (: I think there's going to be Kung-Fu Panda 3 :D I'M DEFINITELY GOING TO WATCH THAT !

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Book Review No. 3 - 'House Rules' by Jodi Picoult

Yo (:

Her cover is slightly different :P
So many of you might've heard of Jodi Picoult and personally, I think she is one of the best authors in the WORLD. Yes, she's that great to me. So when Julia ( bought this book last year, I've been wanting to read it for some time. So I asked her if I could borrow it this holidays. I've finally finished it and I've got a review for it (:

The Blurb:
Jacob Hunt is a teenage boy with Asperger's Syndrome. He's hopeless at
reading social cues or expressing himself to others, and like many
children with Asperger's, Jacob has an obsessive focus on one subject - in
his case, forensic analysis. He's always showing up at crime scenes, thanks
to the police scanner he keeps in his room, and telling cops what
they need to do - he's usually right. But then one day his tutor is
found dead, and the police come to question him. Reluctance to make
eye contact, stimulatory tics and twitches, inappropriate gestures, all
these can look like guilt. Suddenly, Jacob finds himself
accused of murder.

House Rules at what it means to be different in our society,
and at extremes of love and loyalty a family must call upon
to overcome impossible circumstances.

What I think about it:
It's a REALLY REALLY good book. There are parts where the author holds the suspension really well and makes me think: 'WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT?! WHAT REALLY HAPPENED?' I love this book :D

Rating: 10/10
Recommendation: Highly recommended by me as long as you don't mind reading books about life (:

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Update No. 35 - New Haircut and MORE SHOPPING?!

Hey guys,

OMG, you must be soo annoyed with all the shopping I've done recently but the stuff was cheap :D I Australian terms, yes they were. :P

So my mum and I went to DFO this morning after my flute lesson. We went to this shop named 'Dotti' and I grabbed a couple some items.

From Dotti:

Blue singlet (: AU$5.95

Crop Top AU$5.95

Black Singlet for Commerce project 2 for AU$20. My mum bought a white one.

Gloves for Commerce Project. Pretty boss ;) No? AU$15.95 <- that's kinda expensive :/
 We then went to Cotton On (:
In Cotton On:

Looks better in person :P I liked the design. AU$5

Closer look of the 'W' design. WHY ARE ALL THESE PICTURES SO DAMN DARK?!

What does Mon Ami mean? :O AU$5 - Looks baby pink in person; not that retarded colour you see on the screen. :P

AU$10 - What does Mi Amor mean? :O
 After we picked up my sister from our house we went to McDonald's to eat lunch (: Sadly I didn't take a photo of my food because:
1) I forgot ):
2) I was famished.
3) All of the above :D LOL.

After lunch we went to get our hair cut (my sister and I). And I have pictures of my new hair which didn't really change but of the fringe. :P Images taken by my sister in Woolies. What? We were shopping at Woolies to pick up a few groceries. 

The only difference - my fringe. Well that's from what I see. :P

I didn't buy that. :P Again - my sister took that (:

CAT FOOD :D It was on special ;)

And a photo that my mum took of me and my sister.
 So the hairdresser that I went to. It was called Unique Hairdressing or something like that. I totally recommend it. Why?

1) It was cheap - I asked for just a cut but this was what they included in that price:
    -   A wash ; shampoo - twice and conditioner (: And while they applied the conditioner, they even gave me a really nice refreshing and calming head massage. Bliss.
    -  They didn't charge me extra for adjusting my hair after the cut - e.g. I asked for a side swept fringe and I found it a little too thin and I asked for it to be a bit thicker and they did just that (: So pleased.
2) However the price does range from your age since the barber asked me how old I was.

So after our cuts and extra grocery shopping, we headed home and played badminton with my dad :D

That was my day (:

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx

Monday 11 July 2011

Update No. 34 - More shopping?

Hey guys,

Wow, I didn't post for two days ! :O Well better late than never (: So I did some shopping on Friday. This post is kinda over-due but whatever. I bought two shirts that I thought was blog worthy.

I just thought they looked really nice and they were from Target. They were on the clearance racks and honestly, they weren't that cheap either. Oh well. They look better once worn but the pictures were to show the design.


The pictures aren't that colour accurate; especially for the blue shirt. I bought the blue shirt a size larger so I could wear it off-shoulder. That was around AU$15. The white one was around AU$20. I couldn't chose between the two so I ended up buying both.

I also returned the tank tops from Cotton On since I found them too long for my liking - they went down about mid-thigh.

What I've been doing for the past few days was to help my sister's birthday party schedule run smoothly and etc. We watched 'Kung-Fu Panda 2' which was all in one word: AWESOME !! :D It truly was really good. I'll post a review soon. :D

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx

Friday 8 July 2011


Hey guys,

So it's my sister's birthday today :D So I'll just like to say 'happy birthday' to her (:

Michelle xx

Tuesday 5 July 2011

My Keyring Collection ! :D

Hey guys,

Well this isn't really a keyring collection; it's just those mobile hanging things. You'll know what I mean with the photos :D. So let's hit it with the photos ! :D

Monday 4 July 2011

Update No. 32 - Hairstyles :D

Hey guys,

Yesterday, I didn't do anything at home so I decided to try out two hairstyles. One is plaited pigtails and the other is a high bun.


Hairstyle 1:

I look so innocent :O

Different angle

Different Angle :)
  Hairstyle 2:

Dunno why I don't have a front picture but this was the best one could find :P

Different angle :)

Different Angle

Different Angle (:
Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx

Movie Review No. 2 - 'Paradise Road'

Hey guys,

'Paradise Road' is about ( I don't have the back of the DVD cover since I watched this at school ) European women and children in WWII when the Japanese took them hostage and did many horrific things to them. I believe this is based on the experiences of the women and parts of the scenes are re-enactments of what really happened to the women at that time.

There isn't a visible plotline but the movie is there to give the audience a feeling of WWII and how the women had to survive it. Many women actually died in this movie if you don't mind me saying and a spoiler: You watch a Chinese woman be burned alive. That's gruesome.

Rating: 8.25/10

Recommendation: Yes, if you don't mind watching things with gruesome things in it. There really isn't much to say ...

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx

Sunday 3 July 2011

Book Review No. 2 - 'Matched' by Ally Condie

Hey guys,

I've finally finished 'Matched' by Ally Condie that Julia ( has let me borrow. She's actually in China now so she won't be posting for about 2 weeks but she recording her posts in Microsoft Word. See her review on this book by clicking this link :

Anyways, to the review.

The Blurb:

In Cassia's society. Officials decide who people love.
How many children they have.
Where they work.
When they die.

But, as Cassia finds herself falling in love with another boy,
she is determined to make some choices of her own.

And that's when her whole world
begins to unravel...

What I think about it:
As you can tell just by reading the blurb, this book was going to be a love triange like 'Twilight'. The plot itself was really exciting but I found myself not LOVING the book. Instead it wasn't SO interesting that I couldn't stop reading it till about 3/4 through the book. Not a bad book, but not the best either.

Rating: 8.5/10

Recommendation: Yes, if you want to read something that has romance themes. There are some parts that aren't interesting though.

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx

Saturday 2 July 2011

Update No. 31 - New iPod Touch (:

Hey guys,

Yesterday my dad bought me my new iPod Touch that came with a box of essentials from Target! I'm so excited to test it out and play around with it since my previous MP3 player doesn't charge anymore and was really cheap so it's not that good. I took pictures before I opened the items.

Together (the box of essentials and the iPod), this is how it looks like:

The iPod by itself (packaged):

Inside there were Apple earphones. And they were packaged so cute (well wrapped so cutely) so I took a picture as well:

So I'm busy testing out my iPod and so far I've added 120 songs to it (: I'm enjoying it so far. (:

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx

Update No. 30 - Massive Shopping Haul

Hey guys,

So it's the beginning of the holidays and I didn't have Chinese school today nor maths tutoring. My tutor is going off to camp or something :/

For lunch we had Chinese food which didn't look very attractive so I didn't take pictures. :P

So my outfit of the day photo was taken by my new iPod Touch and I know that Apple cameras aren't great quality but here's what I wore:

Now to what I bought. I bought my sister's birthday presents which is next Saturday. So I had to get them since she was at coaching. Hehehe. That way she won't know what I got for her. :P

I got her two books from Dymocks that I saw her looking at. Well one was something I think she wanted and the other was just my mother's choice.

And I bought a book for myself which was only AU$7 (: BARGAIN. It was reduced from $24.99. WIN WIN!

Then I went to Diva and bought a necklace that said it was $5 but got it for $2. It was on sale (:

Then I went to Colette and grabbed some sale items too. I got two necklaces for myself and one as my sister's birthday present.

These are mine (:

One for my sister since she likes small pendants :)
 Then I went to Sportsgirl and grabbed a retractable brush. (:

It's pink ;)
 And I went to Cotton On and grabbed two mid-length tanks for $20. I took a black one for commerce project and since I needed another one to make it $20, I got a pastel purple colour as my next one.

I know I bought heaps and this post is really long with heaps of photos to lag your computer so I'll end it here (: Enjoy the rest of your day!

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx