Monday 4 July 2011

Movie Review No. 2 - 'Paradise Road'

Hey guys,

'Paradise Road' is about ( I don't have the back of the DVD cover since I watched this at school ) European women and children in WWII when the Japanese took them hostage and did many horrific things to them. I believe this is based on the experiences of the women and parts of the scenes are re-enactments of what really happened to the women at that time.

There isn't a visible plotline but the movie is there to give the audience a feeling of WWII and how the women had to survive it. Many women actually died in this movie if you don't mind me saying and a spoiler: You watch a Chinese woman be burned alive. That's gruesome.

Rating: 8.25/10

Recommendation: Yes, if you don't mind watching things with gruesome things in it. There really isn't much to say ...

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx

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