Wednesday 13 July 2011

Book Review No. 3 - 'House Rules' by Jodi Picoult

Yo (:

Her cover is slightly different :P
So many of you might've heard of Jodi Picoult and personally, I think she is one of the best authors in the WORLD. Yes, she's that great to me. So when Julia ( bought this book last year, I've been wanting to read it for some time. So I asked her if I could borrow it this holidays. I've finally finished it and I've got a review for it (:

The Blurb:
Jacob Hunt is a teenage boy with Asperger's Syndrome. He's hopeless at
reading social cues or expressing himself to others, and like many
children with Asperger's, Jacob has an obsessive focus on one subject - in
his case, forensic analysis. He's always showing up at crime scenes, thanks
to the police scanner he keeps in his room, and telling cops what
they need to do - he's usually right. But then one day his tutor is
found dead, and the police come to question him. Reluctance to make
eye contact, stimulatory tics and twitches, inappropriate gestures, all
these can look like guilt. Suddenly, Jacob finds himself
accused of murder.

House Rules at what it means to be different in our society,
and at extremes of love and loyalty a family must call upon
to overcome impossible circumstances.

What I think about it:
It's a REALLY REALLY good book. There are parts where the author holds the suspension really well and makes me think: 'WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT?! WHAT REALLY HAPPENED?' I love this book :D

Rating: 10/10
Recommendation: Highly recommended by me as long as you don't mind reading books about life (:

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx


  1. I have read everything Jodi Picoult has written. I love her style of telling the story from each character's perspective. This story was interesting to read and as always her characters were well developed. The ending was easy to figure out early on in the book. You wonder how the characters could be so obtuse and then when the truth is revealed the book just ends.

  2. I agree. (: Thanks for commenting! x
