Sunday 17 July 2011

Update No. 37 - Filmed Commerce Project (:

Sorry for not posting yesterday so I'll tell you what I did yesterday. (:

Yesterday ( Sunday ), Julia ( ), her brother  ( Bob ) and I spent about 6 hours just filming the Commerce Project which I mentioned AGEESSS ago. We haven't finished since the camera actually ran out of batteries and we need to edit the film together. So we have to meet up again next Sunday and continue filming.

So far, it looks gay, but with the music it looks better (: When we finish the final video, I'll post it up if they let me. Lol.

Today, I'm getting ready for school and right now I'm trying to write my essay. It's due in two weeks time. TOMORROW IS SCHOOOLLL !! T_T The holidays passed so quickly. I hate when that happens. Anyhoo, I need to continue working on my essay and then soon I have to study for my Japanese exam which is on the second day back. WHAT KIND OF TEACHER DOES THAT?! T_T

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx


  1. It was fun watching them all =P ---> Bob's head popping in and out. School! xx

  2. I KNOW !! That was the best one of them all :P I HATE SCHOOLLL ==" xx

  3. Haha! I like school when I'm not tired and when there's no exams! ^.-
