Saturday 16 July 2011

Update No. 36 - Went to the City Today (:


Today I went to the city today with my family friends and my family. Lol. Actually, we were supposed to go to Yumcha there with them and then my mum wanted to buy some groceries to stock up at Chinatown. So we went there afterwards. And then my sister wanted to buy some things from Smiggle with her new $10 gift card from winning it during coaching or something? :S

Anyways, so when my sister picked up some things I picked up three items as well so she could use up the card. I kept the card :D I like the design. :P

Since it was getting late, my parents went to Tongli to grab some more groceries for dinner and I was famished so I bought this uhmm Chinese Herbal Jelly which is REALLY REALLY GOOOOOD. My sister took the photo :P

OH, and an OOTD which my sister took :P Lol.

Tomorrow, I'll be going off to Julia's place to finally film the commerce project. So EXCITED :D. And we're having pizza for lunch....or something :D

And I wanted to show you my star folding collection? And I shaped it like a star and I included the letters 'i' and 'u'. So it says : i <3 u. :D

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx


  1. OMG! THE STAR THINGYMABOB LOOKS SO PRETTY! You bothered to fold so many?! xx

  2. Yep. I was in this faze in Yr 4-6 and I folded heaps. LOL. Want some? :P xx
