Tuesday 5 July 2011

My Keyring Collection ! :D

Hey guys,

Well this isn't really a keyring collection; it's just those mobile hanging things. You'll know what I mean with the photos :D. So let's hit it with the photos ! :D


Took me ages to place them like that >.<


Strange bear I never loved...

Yes, it's authentic from Hong Kong :D It was $10 !

I got this as part of my Christmas present last year from one of my primary school friends. (:


Julia (http://www.xxjuliaxx.blogspot.com/) gave this to me as a present. I thought it was real. Long story :P

My grandparents gave this to me :S Dunno why.

DUMPLING :D Bought from China; from one of the street stalls. :D

DIN TAI FUNG. Never heard of it? EAT THERE :D

This was on my bag and I couldn't be bothered to take it off :P From Morning Glory.

Got this as a present from my school friend.

Another present from Julia (http://www.xxjuliaxx.blogspot.com/). Yes; it's transparent :D

Christmas present from a classmate (:
 Hope you enjoyed (:

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx


  1. OMG THE CHOCOLATE! You were like eyeing me and saying, 'Did you er take a bite?' =P xx

  2. AHAHAH ! I told my sister that. And at first when she looked at it she thought it was real too :P xx
