Friday 22 July 2011

Update No. 38 - First Week of School

First and foremost - I'm SOO SORRY for not posting for like 4 days in a row. I'll just use the excuse of school which is true and also the excuse of my brain still being in holiday mode and lagging behind the rest of the world. :P And also the fact that everyday was boring, since it was school - DUH!

So I'll update you people what has/have happened recently and I'll try to post everyday again (:

Tuesday - 19/07/2011:
School started this day, and it was nice that I got to meet/see my friends again after about 2 weeks. Not including Julia ( ) since I saw her on the previous Sunday. I was really tired on this day since my brain was still lagging. Nothing new on this day. But we got to postpone my Japanese test to around next Tuesday. We also postponed our essay due date to next next week's Monday. I have no idea why I'm telling you about when my tests/assignments are but oh well. Nothing to talk about otherwise. :P

Wednesday - 20/07/2011:
School - DUH. Lol. Uhm...Nothing new again. I had badminton training before school with Julia and it was fun (: I had knitting club after school, which makes me sound like an old lady. But that was fun too. At least Julia didn't forget her wool and needles this week. :P From this day, the weather was horrible. There was a severe weather warning where there were heavy rainfall, dangerous surf conditions, gale force winds, etc. This reminded me of this recent hail storm at school when we were lining up for the school buses and got really drenched.

Thursday - 21/07/2011:
Nothing to say about this day except the weather was terrible. I swear - I would've been drenched if not for Julia's umbrella. Yeah; I was too stupid/lazy to take out my own umbrella. Plus - she already had it out. :P Thanks for that Julia :D

Today/Friday - 22/07/2011:
Had band rehearsal this morning. More crap weather. Had English coaching with Julia today after school around 6pm. That was interesing. Lol.

Going to head to bed now. Really tired. :P

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx


  1. I was on your blog and then saw the Update No.38 pop up, haha - got all excited. This week, school was pretty cool. ^.^ Goodnight! xx

  2. LOL ! Because I didn't blog for so long :P This was a pathetic post. :P Whatever. And this week was cool (: Good MORNING :D !! xx

  3. LOL. =P And good night to you too! xx
