Wednesday 9 May 2012


Did you spend time with close friends today?
What’s your favourite thing to have for breakfast?
Raisin Toast with lots of butter.
What’s the unhealthiest meal you’ve eaten in the past week?
No idea.
And the healthiest?
An apple. LOL.
Are you nervous, scared, or worried about anything at the moment?
Yes, my future and what subjects I should choose for next year. Otherwise, how cold I am.
Would you be angry if your best friend kissed the person you like?
Kinda, because she would know who I like. And it would be kinda ‘in my face’, you know what I mean? ;P
Do you think you will ever be with the person you like?
No idea, but far far far chance.
What type of cake did you last eat?
Hm, I ate a swiss roll and it was Taro flavour. (:
Does the person you like have any nicknames for you?
How many of your friends are single?
Most of them. LOL.
How many of your friends are gay or bisexual?
Does it bother you when other people try to get involved with what happens in your love life?
Well nothing has ever happened in my love life, but something did, then yes, I would be kinda involved. Potential homewrecker there. ;P
What’s your favourite sandwich filling?
Turkey. Or anything with meat in it.
Do you prefer ketchup, mayonnaise or salad cream?
Ketchup, or tomato sauce, what we call it down under. ;D
How old is the last person who Facebook messaged you?
Haven’t received a Facebook message in a while…
Have you ever borrowed something from someone and not given it back?
Yes, and I still have it. This drama DVD from Julia ( ) and haven’t given it back…
Tell me 5 totally random facts about the person you like
I have no idea….HAHAHAHA.
Are any of your friends pregnant?
Not that I am aware of. ;)
How many of your friends have tattoos?
What colour is your favourite pair of socks?
Do you use conditioner on your hair?
Is there anything you would really like to do, but you daren’t?
List 10 songs that are special to you, and explain why.
Ohmygosh, have no idea. LOL.
List the last 10 people who Facebook messaged you.
1. Wilson
2. Oliver
3. Aditya
4. Julia
5. Eileen
6. Jerry
7. Jennifer
8. Gordon
9. Grace
10. Ashly
These messages are so long ago, because I don’t really inbox people, lol.

Now answer these questions.
How long have you known 6?
Less than a year.
What’s your favourite thing about 4?
My bestie.
What’s 2’s favourite colour?
Is 5 in a relationship?
I don’t think so.
What colour are 9’s eyes?
Dark brown, from my memory?
Describe 7’s personality.
Fun, cute and so outgoing.
Is 1 attractive?
Omg, not answering that, lol.
What colour is 3’s hair?
Black, I think.
What’s 8’s favourite food?
No idea….
When was the last time you saw 10?
A really really long time ago. </3

What flavour crisps did you last eat?
When was the last time someone asked you out? Did you accept or decline?
Around last year, and I declined because I couldn’t.
What’s the strangest conversation you’ve had with anyone recently?
About snot, with Julia. ;)
When was the last time you used a pair of scissors?
Today, at school.
What’s something you aim to achieve in the near future?
To be rich and independent.


  1. Naw, memories of green boogie. :')
    Btw, you're the most incredible friend I've ever had, if you didn't know that already. <3
    See you school tomorrow! xx

    1. ;D
      So are you, and thank you! ♥
      See you! ♥ x
