Wednesday 2 May 2012

Update: Drawing in Class && Strange Clouds

Today, my English essay was due, which I did the night before, so I don't think I did that well.

In commerce, we watched a TV show on forced marriage of teenage girls. So disturbing and traumatising but it was interesting. Shocking to hear it happens at such high rates in Australia. ;O In science, watched another documentary as well, named 'Animal Farm'. Not the Orwell movie, this was a documentary on biotechnology.
It was about genetic modification of animals for the benefit of humans. It was so disturbing and sad to see animals used this way by humans. I mean, I know it's for the survival of our race, but is this really necessary? Aren't we tampering with nature way too much and going too far? I personally think that it is gross and wrong, and someday we only have ourselves to blame when something goes wrong. And what happens, when the GM animals slowly replace all the 'natural' animals of this planet? The future generations would be living in an unnatural world, never experienced the true feeling of nature. Sorry if this offends anyone who is in full support of genetic modification, but my personal viewpoint is that it's wrong and unnatural.

On a happier side, in commerce, was drawing in class during the video. Not because it was boring or anything, because it just helps me concentrate. (: Gave the drawing to Julia ( ) but took a couple of photos before I gave it. Sorry about the lighting, since the room was really dark for the video.

Please ignore the strawberry on the top, don't know why I drew that there, HAHA. 
Also wanted to include a photo of another Naruto character I drew. This was agesss ago, but never blogged about it. Drew this the night before I left for New Zealand. It's Sakura from Naruto. (:

Yesterday, B.o.B.'s new album 'Strange Clouds' came out! ♥ Was so excited, but unfortunately won't be purchasing it. But shall listen to it on Youtube! ♥ ♥

Few of my favourites.

Arena - B.o.B ft. Chris Brown && T.I. ♥ ♥

Strange Clouds - B.o.B ft. Lil Wayne

Play for Keeps - B.o.B

Anyhoo, have badminton training tomorrow morning. And have a mountain-load of homework to finish. But that was some highlights of my couple of days. (:

Thanks for reading,
Michelle ♥


  1. Oh Animal Farm! =O and WOW That's some REALLY good drawingss! 8O No kidding, well done! =D

  2. You're so talented! Gonna keep that drawing - Thank you. :D x

  3. All you're replying is thank you HAHAHA XD
