Tuesday 29 May 2012

Update: Exams and Braces

I'm so sorry for the lack of posts recently, still on my exam period. Been studying quite a lot and also since I've gotten a lot of teeth pulled out, I was in pain for some days. ): And got my braces yesterday!

So yesterday, after exams, we could leave early because of exam leave, so I went to the mall to get some food.  Wanted to eat a lot so I wouldn't be hungry afterwards since it's really hard to chew with braces on. And I wasn't going to eat dinner afterwards. Managed to fit one and a half boxes of Chinese food into my stomach, HAHAHA.

One of the boxes. I finished the other one at this time. ;P
My braces feel really weird. I've gained a lot of scratches in my mouth already because there are bits of metal that stick everywhere. And it doesn't hurt, but I found it really hard to fall asleep last night. But then I grew tired, so eventually I was able to fall asleep. They don't hurt today, but they are really itchy? HAHA, I'm so strange. Kills like hell when I bite things though. Ate a banana and it took so much strength to break it up, and so painful. ):

So had my math exam today and will have my day off tomorrow since I don't have any exams tomorrow. BUT, I have 3 exams on Friday - History Elective, PDHPE and Japanese. ): I'll have to study the whole day of Thursday.

Anyhoo, just a really short update.

BY THE WAY, those who live in Australia HAVE to watch the Voice. It's so good! I voted for Sarah De Bono by buying her 'Listen' cover. People should listen to that. ;D

Thanks for reading!

Michelle x