Monday 14 May 2012

Update: Mother's Day & Lookbooks?

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I had some photos from my Mother's Day gifts that I gave my mum which I took photos of, but my Instagram is a bit screwed up so haven't had the chance to edit them, so might have a little post on Mother's Day after I get that sorted. (:

Anyhoo, had school today, cycling for sport which was seriously cold. It was freezing. ): The wind was so cold and it practically chilled you to the bones. D; Not a good feeling at all. 

Also received my English creative task back today, which you don't get a grade/score on, we just got feedback. I had a lot of question marks on mine, HAHA. Also got my maths test back, which I think I did pretty well in. This must be the highest scores I've ever received in maths in my entire life! But many thanks to my tutor to help my stupid brain, HAHA. ;P

I got a lot of tests back today, lol. Got my history elective source based question exam back which was kinda ... Didn't do so nicely in it, harsh marker. T.T 

My sister left for camp today for three days, shall miss her. 

Been playing a lotta Fruit Ninja lately, just got my highest score - 661, which is ONE below the one my friend got on my iPod which is the score I have to beat in order to get above my best score. >( No fair. 

Sorry, my thoughts are all over the place. 

Haven't been on Messenger and Facebook that much. Only go on to check notifications and emails, but that's it. Kinda getting more work done that way, but that doesn't stop me from going on Youtube...GOSH, it's so addicting...

Have been watching a lot of fashion videos and I'm thinking about having a little lookbook on my blog as well? I don't knoww...what do you guys think? (:

Anyways, I'm rambling, have to end my post. 

Thanks for reading!

Michelle ♥


  1. This reminds me of our chat about shopping. :P Cannot wait. x

    1. Imma make a list but it's too long. T.T ;P x
