Tuesday 15 May 2012

Update: Mother's Day!

Such a belated post, but finally fixed Instagram. This will basically be an update about Sunday.

So on Sunday, in the morning, gave my mum a hug and kiss along with some gifts. ♥ They were only small gifts but I didn't want to get my mum something she wouldn't like.

I got her a wardrobe scenter thing, and some heart chocolates. ♥

One was in the scent Sakura and the other I forgot. LOL. 
That day, also had tennis training and the weather was really really cold. Freezing. ): When I got home, felt like cleaning out my wardrobe so I did and now, have an entire bag of clothes that I can't fit into, or are really old that was just sitting in my closet for ages. Will be chucking those out. And I really really want to go shopping to update my wardrobe...BUT I'll have to do that after my exams as a little reward. Hopefully I deserve it. ;)

Had pho from some restaurant as lunch and when I got home, just played Fruit Ninja and chilled. That day was a really good day. Didn't do much work.

At night, worked on my history assignment and went to bed.

Thanks for reading!

Michelle ♥