Thursday 10 May 2012

Update: Studded Shorts and Study Session

Last night ( on Wednesday night ) decided to finally begin studding some of my clothing. But since I didn't really have a design in mind, I went on Google images to help me have some inspiration. (: Anyhoo, only managed to stud my denim shorts. Studded the back pocket and used a pair of scissors to bend the back to hold it in.

Before :


Anyhoo, today, had badminton training nice and early in the morning. It was really fun, and hilarious. Played a lot of Fruit Ninja as well. In PD, had to present a presentation on depression which wasn't that bad, just really nerve-racking. And the fact that everyone seemed like they were going to fall asleep, did not help. Just saying, lol.

After school, had a mini study session at Westfield with Julia ( ) . We actually got some work done since we promised we wouldn't play fruit ninja, or play on our phones. But I can't play on my phone anyways, so no problems there. ;D

Bought Boost Juice - I got Mini-me Mango, and also bought some Popcorn Chicken from KFC. Which was really good. ♥ So just wrote some notes and stuff for half yearly exams which are coming soon.

Boost + Maths = ♥

Boost + Maths + POPCORN CHICKEN = ♥ ♥ 

Also want to share this video. I'll leave your reactions to you. 

Anyhoo, have to finish my Matrix homework now, and also some of my other school work. Will update again soon.

Thanks for reading!

Michelle x