Wednesday 9 May 2012

Update: Fruit Ninja and Pizza

Today, had school, which was pretty standard.

For lunch, had pizza that I bought from the boys' school since their food is always cheaper - never know why, lol. They have smaller expenses? LOL. Anyhoo, also got some chicken fingers, but didn't take a picture because I was too hungry and wasn't bothered, sorry.

Julia ( ) and I are so so so addicted to the game 'Fruit Ninja' right now. Trying to pass the score 500 in arcade mode. ;D Hopefully I will. My top score so far is 475. But took a picture of the high score before - 445. ;D ♥

Sorry, the camera didn't focus very well. 
Had to present our English presentation today, which was horrible. We were the first group to present and we were supposed to also include the class into a discussion...but we asked stupid questions and didn't help. LOL. The group after, however, was excellent. If I wasn't playing Fruit Ninja in class....I'm such a bad person, LOL.

Also had a science topic test today, which was fairly easy, gotta love biology. ♥

Anyhoo, short update today. Have badminton tomorrow morning. ♥

Thanks for reading,
Michelle ♥


  1. Homg...fruit ninja ^^"""" Hahaha, glad you found the science topic test good =D And pay attention in class plz T_T

    1. FRUIT NINJA!! ♥ And topic test doesn't go towards anything. ;P NEVER. >) x
