Sunday 27 May 2012

Update: Fruit Ninja High Scores!

Nothing exciting has happened this week, just stressful studying. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, it's because I haven't been on the computer in quite a while. Also! I got 2 more teeth pulled out as well as getting separators on Thursday, but today, it still really hurts. Been taking a lot of painkillers, can't be good for my health. Anyhoo, some time ago, finally managed to pass my high score TWICE in a DAY. :D HAHAHA. Snapshotted both. (:

I challenge you to beat me. >:)

Not much to say, my teeth are hurting. Have my exams tomorrow onwards. Tomorrow is English and History. Hopefully will update soon, talk about uni and also manage to get my monthly favourites in if possible. (:

Please bear with me,
Michelle x


  1. freak...T_T I WILL BEAT THAT HAHAHA XD Hope your teeth are okay now~

    1. I CHALLENGE YOU. >:D Got braces now. ;D x

  2. One day ... I shall beat you, one day. >=]
