Friday 18 May 2012

Update: Dental Extractions

Sorry I haven't updated in a while but here is what happened since Tuesday. (:

So on Wednesday, it was a pretty good day, passed my high score in Fruit Ninja, and got 854! It was just before class started. :D

Sorry about the dirty screen, it happens. ;P ♥
On Thursday, it was an okay day as well, but after school was another story. Had to get my teeth pulled out to get braces soon - two weeks time. So I have to pull out 4 teeth altogether to make more room for my teeth and also because the dentist said my teeth were kind of protrudent? HAHA, no idea. LOL. Anyways, got both of my teeth from my right hand side taken out and will get my left ones taken out next week.

The anaestetic was the most painful part. The roof of your mouth generally consist of tough and tense muscles, so the dentist had to apply more pressure to get the needle in. The anaestetics had the weirdest feeling ever, it was so strange! HAHA! You could feel it, but then you couldn't. Anyhoo, I nearly had to go through surgery for the bottom tooth since the root of it was too large. But the dentist didn't want me to go through surgery, so he just took longer to get that one out and thus put more force on it. So the bottom jaw hurts the most afterwards.

Took some painkillers during the night and ate dinner kinda late since you can't eat for around 4 hours after, since you have to wait til the anaestetics have passed. It felt so strange to be drugged, my brain was lagging, HAHA. Don't really want to go through this again next week, but no choice.

I actually took pictures of the gauzes they gave me to stop the bleeding and the teeth. :D Warning for bloodiness. Tried to edit it to not make it that apparent but it obviously failed, HAHA.

It looks like tomato juice but in real life it isn't that red or that much...
Anyways, enough about teeth and blood.

So today ( Friday ) had a strike in the morning for teachers, so could sleep in and go to school at 11A.M, instead of usual 9A.M. It was nice to sleep in. However, I hadn't finished my english essay or my tutoring homework so worked on some in the morning, but finished both off at school. (:

Matrix coaching after school which was kinda...meh. We had a different teacher since our usual teacher was absent, and she was alright. Made everything clear but the lesson wasn't very fun. Ah well, it was only today. Need to work on my Chinese homework now, for tomorrow.

My exams are soon, about 2 weeks. It still hasn't occurred to me since I hadn't be bothered to print out my exam timetable, but will do so now. Should start studying hard so I wouldn't have to cram. But during the week the exams are spread over, I have two days rest, which is great! ♥ ♥

Anyhoo, kinda long and disturbing post, so I'll end it off here. It's getting rather late.

Thanks for reading!

Michelle ♥


  1. That score...that's addiction HAHA! Homg T_T I thought this blog was G Rated T_T

    1. IT'S PURE ADDICTION. <3 >:) Sorry, hope your eyeballs are okay. ;D <3 x
