Sunday 20 May 2012

Update: Boots && Laps.

Hi everyone. (: 

Haven't updated in a while, again, sorry.

Anyways, on Saturday, had Chinese school in the morning which was the usual. Went shopping afterwards, wasn't planning on getting anything at all. BUT. There was a sale at William's shoes, and my mum took me there because I was just BROWSING. BUT. There's always a BUT. Lol. I found these super cute heel boots that were on 40% sale, and I wasn't going to get them since they were still quite expensive and I wanted to go shopping with Julia after exams for clothes. BUT. Somehow, my mum just let me get them. I actually left the shop, but she told me to go back in and just get them. But kinda happy. ;D I haven't taken a photo of them, will soon later. Need to waterproof them first. (:

ANYWAYS, had maths tutoring after which was the usual as well.


So today ( Sunday ), woke up around 7.30A.M, to go running. No idea what made me do that, but went anyways. Ran for about half an hour so I could make it in time for tennis training. I think I'm extremely unfit, because I couldn't even run a soccer field lap, HAHAHAHAHA. Need to do more running. :P Had tennis training, which was alright.

Went out for lunch, and haven't done much work since. OMG. Exams are really really soon, and I haven't started studying. F**k.

Anyhoo, thanks for reading, will take photos of more stuff. (:

Michelle x