Saturday 27 October 2012

DIY: Galaxy Shorts

Finished product
 So the day of my formal, I had exam leave and didn't have to go to school, so I decided to first dye my shorts, so I could paint them on Thursday. The original was this:

From this post:
I wanted to dye them black, but I was kind of impatient and rinsed out the shorts too early, but I followed the packet instructions. >:( Anyway, they turned out kind of a deep purple. Hmph.

Didn't want to dye them again, so I just stuck with it.

On Thursday, I painted them. And I actually followed the instructions of this beauty guru, Andreaschoice. OMG, I love her so much, she's so beautiful! ♥ OMG, IT WOULD BE CRAY CRAY IF SHE SAW THIS. IF SHE DOES, THANK YOU SO MUCH, I LOVE YOUUU ! ♥
This was her video:

This is how they turned out, not as nice as I wanted them to, but whatever. :P

Took this at night, so it's actually way brighter and nicer during the day. (: 

And I also wanted to stud the back, but I didn't stud them the way Andrea did hers, mine were a bit more simple. (:

Well, hope you enjoyed this, thanks for reading!

Michelle ♥