Monday 8 October 2012

Strange Questions

Have you ever been to the hospital for something really serious? 
When I was about 6, I was diagnosed with pneumonia, and it was bacterial, so I had to stay in the hospital for a week’s treatment.
Are you excited for summer?
Do you ever think about what your life will be like when you’re your parents age?
Yes I do, quite a lot actually.
What was the last funny conversation you had?
Probably at school today with Julia, we were talking about strange topics as usual.
Are you afraid of falling in love?
Kind of, it’s untouched territory for me.
Ever get hurt by someone who swore they’d never hurt you? 
Not yet.
Have you ever had a moment with someone you like that seemed like a movie moment? 
Not yet.
What is your favorite thing to do? 
Not sure, hang out with friends maybe.
Are you an emotional person? 
Can you dance? 
Highly doubt it, haha.
Do you listen to certain songs when you want to get pumped up for something? 
Yeah I do.
What are you listening to right now? 
The sound of my keyboard.
What kind of car do you want? 
A red convertible Ferrari.
Do you pray? 
Are the words “I love you” strong words? 
Is it easier to let go or keep fighting? 
Keep fighting.
Is there anything purple nearby?
Yep, my ipod.
Do you know somebody whose christmas lights stay up all year round? 
No, but I pass a house which does.
Do you always shut your computer down when you’re finished with it?
Are most of the pens around your house from random companies or plain?
Umm, mine are specifically purchased, and my parents are random.
Do you want to have a big family in the future?
Kind of.  
Do you get embarrassed when talking about things like sex and periods? 
Depends who it’s with. 
Are there any towels in your house with cartoon characters on them?
Is Vegas one of your must-see places?
Kind of.
If given the chance, would you ride a unicorn to Iceland?
Have you ever washed a cat in your bathtub?
I’ve washed him in a sink that was pretty big.
Would you call yourself a writer? Written any stories lately? 
Not really, but I wrote the beginning of a book I never continued.
Are you good at reading people’s body language?
I’m quiet so I do tend to pay a lot of attention to people around me so I think I know a few things.
Ever ask a random stranger to pretend to be someone for you? 
Ever threatened somebody and actually went through with it?
Does holding newborn babies scare you? 
Never got a chance.
Are needles something that you’re afraid of? 
Piercings, Yay or Nay? 
Have you ever been prescribed medication?
Do you have a collage of pictures in your bedroom? 
Nope, but I really want to.
Are Mac computers a bit frustrating? 
Ever consider a career in photography?
Definitely did.
What colour does the button on your computer glow?
Did you ever have those glow in the dark stars on your ceiling?
On my wall yes.  
Do you have a Friday night routine?
Do you kind of have to pee right now?
Why do you think people say ‘&&’ instead of ‘and’?
I used to. It looked better HAHA.
Describe the wedding dress you’d like to wear, if ever wanting to marry.
White and poofy.
Which has faster Internet: your computer or your cellphone?
Computer, phone doesn’t have internet.
 Any thoughts on Simba, the fictional lion?
I love him!
If you have one, what is your favorite instant noodles flavour?
Describe your favorite belt. 
This super thin brown leather belt.
If cats could fly, would hunters shoot them down?
No idea.
Anyone you know named Alice? If so, are they blonde?: 
Yes but no.
Does your town ever get tornados? If not, do you wish they did?: 
Nope and nope.
 If you could have any themed party, what theme would it be? 
Masquerade ball perhaps.
Did you celebrate any birthdays in January? If so, who’s birthday? 
Not that I can think of.
You are stuck on an island. Would you write SOS with sand or with twigs?
Do you even like playing in the sand? If so, do you prefer it wet or dry?
Not really, I hate how it gets everywhere maybe wet so it clumps together hehe.
Are you the type to say, ‘I’m addicted to this, I’m obsessed with that’?
Kind of.
What is something you don’t like about your left arm?
I like my left arm.
Have you ever considered being a chemist? Why or why not?
Kind of.
Is your diet imbalanced? If it is, would you ever fix it?
Not sure, and if I knew it is, then yes.
Describe what your teeth look like.
Glued with braces.
If you were forced into a Wizard of Oz play, which role would you choose?
Not sure.

1 comment:

  1. These are very interesting to read =D PHOTOGRAPHY TOO?? So artistic =D You have to show us some of the pro pictures you've taken ^_^
