Friday 26 October 2012

Update: Yr 10 Formal

Omg, have not done an official update in such a long long time. I guess I'll upload some pictures from my formal night, because I really want to post something, sorry if you didn't want your photo to be in here xo

Basically, got ready took a long long time, and my table was completely messy. I laid out all my makeup and everything to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Here are some photos, that people keep demanding hehe. Not going to type much, I'll just let the photos do the talking. Well basically, everyone got an alternate dish, these were mine. Let's start with the food there.

Entree - greek salad

Main - risotti? 

Dessert - apple something lol. 
And then here are people shots.

With my man ;) I'm just kidding. x

Here is the venue.

And a photobooth picture.

That's it!


Michelle x


  1. YAY PHOTOS! ^_^ wow...those shoes are high =O =O were you as tall as me? ;P
