Tuesday 9 October 2012

Instagram Diary | Update #3

1. this one's back from the holidays - i cooked some stir fried stuff and was experimenting. added to much hot sauce, haha!
2. went to spotlight to get fabric fixative, dye and spray paint
3. spray paint! do i look creepy as if from a horror movie, hehe
4. the casual vacancy - j.k. rowling
5. good score in fruit ninja hehe - 900
6. my mum cooked some really nice breakfast that day ♥
7. finally spray painted my converses! YAY ♥ before and after photo
8. some free stuff julia got me, thanks beb ! ♥
9. pocket planes! thought this was pretty funny - all these divers all in one plane hehe

Hope you enjoyed,
Michelle ♥


  1. do 9 photos from now on so you can have more updates :]

    1. haha unless BAM i suddenly get 16 in about a week. ;D x

  2. Oooooh, you actually did spray your converses :3 They look so cool now =D

    1. course, if i say i want to do something, i'll do it for sure!
